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Thread: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

  1. #1

    Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Hello everyone,

    I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

    Facial numbness: Yes

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes all over, sometimes more in the middle

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Yes - slight

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally under left rib, but somewhat rare

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - both

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, top of left foot

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Not quite

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Thought I was heading down the road to agoraphobia, but thankfully didn't

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 25. Physically, 45.


    Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with, as well as visiting the beach & listening to the ocean waves. Made worse by caffeine, googling (!!).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: no

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

    Facial numbness: no

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: whats that?

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

    Hands trembling: no

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Yes - slight

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):
    apparently acid reflux and indigestion.. burping

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): nope

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

    Frequent urination: nope


    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: no

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: nope

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): sometimes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: no

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

    Irritable / impatient: def

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): oh yes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: often

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: no

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): only with solitare, magpies and ladders!

    Insomnia: sometimes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:


    Improvement with music, esp. music I grew up with, as well as visiting the beach & listening to the ocean waves. Made worse by caffeine, googling (!!).
    Google is not my or your friend

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

    Facial numbness: Yes, esp round chin and top lip, all left hand side

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): hands suffer weakness
    Hands trembling: no

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes nausea

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - discoloured

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness: Yes

    Feeling like you're about to faint: no

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little on bad days

    Irritable / impatient: I would say occasionally, but i sure my hubby and children would say something else

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: some days i dont want to be alone, others i need to.

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: luckily no
    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

    Insomnia: sometimes, I get off to sleep ok, only to be woke 20 mins later with a sharp jolt and the sweats, this happens in groups, happen a few nights running then not again for weeks on end.

    Finally, how old are you? 33

    How old do you feel?: Mentally, 25. Physically, 40


    Still reallying trying to get used to it, my body doesn't seem to want to recover at te moment, as I get over one symptom and then the following week I have another.

    Judging from some of the questions, I seem to get away with it quite lightly, of course to me it doesn't feel that way.
    Last edited by breeze25; 22-08-07 at 18:35.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: Sometimes (but going blind is a huge fear so I probably notice normal things more than I should)

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Pressure sometimes

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: Yes

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, both

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: ALL the time!

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Sometimes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Sometimes - aches and pains and pressure; breathlessness when it's bad

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Occasionally

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): You name it - writhing aches, empty feeling, full feeling, bloating, burping, nausea....!

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes, occasional sharp pains

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Constipation, but rarely

    Frequent urination: Yes and a nervous-feeling bladder

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Rarely

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Eczema

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:
    When things are bad

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Most of the time

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Absolutely!

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: When things are particularly bad. I cry quite a lot

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, quite often

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not so much

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: Sometimes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, I'm still 21. Physically, 61!


    I'm getting there...the longer I have lived with the anxiety the better I know it and so the less power it seems to have. But the symptoms are harder to shake, and I'm sure some are due to actual illness.

    Great questionnaire - I can't wait to read others' replies

    "And what happened last time?"
    "It got better so I stopped worrying."
    "There. You've just said it. It got better."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches - yes migraines

    Vision disturbances: yes with migraines

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes tendency to sinus blockage whn i have a cold etc

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes frequently.

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes - ringing

    TMJ: Dont know what this is?!

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes trapped nerve type feeling in fingers

    Hands trembling: Yes during panic

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yno

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes all

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes pain and sensitivity

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes sensitivity

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, IBS

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes IBS

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes all of the above!

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes twitching
    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no
    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    sorry deleted something here not sure what it was!

    Irritable / impatient: yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: yes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

    Insomnia: yes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 45. Physically, 30.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: No don't know what that is

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes most of the time for months

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes daily

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): I have eczema

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: No maybe a bit at the beginning

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes spent weeks burning up

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: At the beginning yes

    Irritable / impatient: At the beginning

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes at the beginning

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes had that all my life

    Insomnia: Yes

    Finally, how old are you?
    30 ish

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 25. Physically, 55


    I'm better than I was 3 months ago I thought I was going to die every day then. I used aspirin for my impending heart attack every day/night have stopped that. I'm on beta blockers and the heart worry has gone mostly but has been replaced by breathing, headaches and stomach pain worries! Currently going through a hernia/appendicitis phase.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: No

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Not really

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: A bit
    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: Yes

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Yes, when im very afraid

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Yes - but mainly cos i bite them etc when im most anxious

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes dull ache, and slight tightness

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes racing when im very afraid

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No
    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Slight stomach pains

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

    Frequent urination: No
    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - sometimes weakness

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: No rarely

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No
    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: No

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No not really (i do still want to do things, just afraid to sometimes)

    Irritable / impatient: Sometimes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Rarely

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No
    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 18. Physically, 20.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, verging to migraines when sinus severe.

    Vision disturbances: Sometimes

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: Yes

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: Yes. [med related]

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pressure, unable to take deep breath

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes, sensitivity.

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas, sometimes nausea

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation, occassional diarrhea

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - both

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Agoraphobia. I get out, but only as much as I 'have' to

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

    Insomnia: Yes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Varies - I have a dissociative disorder and complex PTSD


    Therapy really helps. Therapy breaks are hard. My therapist, dr, and managers are all very supportive.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    [quote=rosepetal;249819]Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches all the time

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Bunged up at night

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: ?????

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes, now and again

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): NO

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): yes

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - pains on and off

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes but thats osteoarthritis

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): NO

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - constipation always down to meds

    Frequent urination: Sometimes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - Hurt when walking

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - both

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - stiffness

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness: No

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: only when panicking

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: NO

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

    Irritable / impatient: Always

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes always

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: N/A

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Sometimes

    Insomnia: Yes

    Finally, how old are you? 48

    How old do you feel?: My age !!


    Therapy hasn't been available to me yet

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches, normally tension related
    Vision disturbances: Sometimes, floaters, blurry

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: Yes and tingling/pins and bneedles

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: no
    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no
    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    No, just a lot of nail biting!!

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes all of the above

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes upper and middle mostly
    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no
    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes , all of the above

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): no

    Frequent urination: no

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - twitching

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: yes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Sometimes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Just the phobia about all health related issues, aches/pains

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): does checking pulse count? if so....yes

    Insomnia: no

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:

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