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Thread: Having a mare....Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Having a mare....Help

    Hi there,
    Just wanted a rant really.Im really struggling now!!

    Last week I ran out of a lecture at university with my first panic attack in months.Sunday I got ready for work(bank nursing),had my usual anticipatory anxiety bad tummy etc,but got there,only to run off with yet another attack!!I told my manager the truth and she was great very understanding.Then today,I couldnt face going back to uni in case it all happened again,and I feel like a total prat for last week.My hubby is away on business today too which is why I havent gone.Just spoke to my tutor who was also great,and I have said I will try and make my next lecture a week Tuesday.

    I feel so stupid though!!I have done so well up to now,but I feel such overwhelming dread about everything.And I know avoiding things just makes it worse,but I cant seem to help it.I am trying to relax and exercise,as that has helped me before,but I know when it comes to going back to work or uni Im going to be in a real state again.Anyone got any tips??

    Sorry bout the ranting.Just so fed up!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I will be the 1st to say don't avoid things but it is extremely difficult - i'm forever saying avoid avoidance but still do it myself!!

    I'm so glad you have the support of those around you it does make all the difference. Don't beat yourself up about this as it is a small glitch in then recovery progress

    I will say if u get bad panic in a class again do try and stick it out - give yurself another 5 minutes and see how u go.

    Have u tried changes in diet/cutting out caffeine etc?

    I know this is probably not alot of use as I am telling u things you already know but really believe me you are doing great!!

    Take Care

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Juliet - you've done 3+ steps forwards recently, this is your one back . It works like this. This too will pass and you'll be onwards and upwards again soon.

    Take stock- do your diet, exercise and relaxation and write in your journal all about it and have a good cry if you feel the need. Its just so overwhelming sometimes. Even well into me being fine I would have days when I 'thought' I wa snever going to make it and was slipping back. It never really happened in reality-it was a just a bad few hours -

    Then big breaths and JFDI it. Try using a mantra to help you.

    Recognise that you will have anticipatory anxiety - but that is all it is and cannot harm you !!

    You just need one success again and you'll be steaming onwards once more.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    , , USA.

    Don`t beat yourself up over this lil glitch. It will pass.
    We all go through a set back or several set backs on our way to recovery.

    No biggie really. I know it seems endless at the moment, but trust in yourserlf you have gotten through this before and you will this time.

    You are doing great, you really are. Just to have the stregnth to get on here and express yourself and your feelings through all of this is a grand accomplishment.

    Like Meg posted, take stock. Do what you need to do for you. Things will start coming together you will see .

    Keep ya chin up dear, things can only get better from here.

    Keep us posted to let us know how you are getting on with things, good or bad.

    Take care,

    Diana xxxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    When things seem to be going backwards we all get angry, stressed, fed up, anxious, panicky etc.

    It is hard to keep having positives all the time isn't it?

    You are doing great ok - just remind yourself that you are and don't forget those feelings ok?

    Let us know how you feel now?


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thankyou so much everyone,the support is so much appreciated!!!

    Im feeling a bit better now...calmer,and a bit smilier too.

    It helps to be reassured that this is just a minor setback,as I was really afraid that I was going to end up as I did before,which was really bad!

    Going to try and forget about it now for a bit,take all your advise on board and hope that my tutor etc dont think I am a raving lunatic!

    Hope you are all good??!!

    Speak soon T xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.

    I am glad that you are feeling a bit better now.

    Smilier is always a good sign too ................

    You will not end up back where you were before. You are doing grand.

    We are all here for you, so whenever you need a little boost or reassurance. Just pop on here and we will be happy to ablige .......

    Take care,

    Diana xxxx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , .

    The one positive thing you have done is admit and communicate your problem with those around you - thats a really good thing - well done.

    I'm afraid I can't offer many words of wisdom at the moment as I'm having a few steps back. I finally went back to the doctor this week, after doing so well last week, and got given Citalopram and Diazapam, but I read the list of side effects on the Citalopram and thought 'and these are supposed to help me?'. Havn't taken the Diazapam either, but only because I want to try and get through this.

    I had a major wobbler at work this morning, I was sat at my desk and felt like I was on a boat again and had a knotty tummy, I paniced so much I went out (home) for half an hour to calm down and just sat down and cried. I got back to work and have been a little on edge but OK.

    Its comforting to know we're not alone. There's so much good advice in the other posts and I can't really add to them, in fact I'm taking note of all the advice myself.

    I do have some problems with my partner and am a little run down after my father died a few weeks ago, and also very hormonal, I'm not sleeping very well either. I just wish I could relax. I think this lunchtime instead of going home and emptying the dishwasher and cleaning up, I'm going to lay on the sofa with a cuppa and watch Good Food Live and chill out.

    Anyway, I seem to have hijacked your post. Please let us know how you're getting on so far this week and if you feel any better today.

    take care,

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    As Meg pointed out in a post earlier this week, the side effects listed are everything that anybody who has trialled the medication may have suffered at some point. It is a legal requirement.

    Try and keep an open mind.

    At the end of the day the box says MAY cause - no YOU WILL GET!

    Iwas very dubious before I started my prozac, but managed a whole month of medication and haven't had a single side effect.

    If medication was that bad, then doctors wouldn't prescribe it!

    Try it with an open mind - it might be just the thing for you.

    You mentioned that your dad died a few weeks ago! Don't be so hard on yourself woman. When my dad died, it took my mum a whole year to get her head together, and during that time, I was looking after her and my granny. Once they were back on their feet, I lost it!


    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.

    Sorry to hear you are having a rough go at it right now.

    With all that is going on in your life right now there is no wonder the feelings you are having.

    Try if you can to really relax, it sounds like that would do you some good right now.

    The dishes will be there tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think as women it is very hard for us to remember "US". We are so used to taking care of everybody else we kind of forget we need taking care of too. Usually that means if we do not make time for us no one else is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So dear leave the dishwasher for today. Get some good ol relaxation in just for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take a nice "LONG" hot/warm bath, with candles, maybe a book and a little of whatever it is you like to sip on to relax you.

    C`mon you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

    Remember that you are not super woman, you just lost your dad and you are having problems with you partner. That is enough to make even a person who does`nt suffer this disorder be off a bit.

    Don`t beat yourself up dear. Try to take it easy "AND RELAX, RELAX, RELAX"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like Charlie mentioned in her post, try to keep an open mind about the meds. Instead of thinking about what they may or may not do. Try concentrating on the fact that they may actually HELP .

    I hope you are feeling better soon.

    and Charlie................... Is`nt that the way it always is.

    We take care of everyone else and get them to their feet. Then we feel we have time to do our own grieving. Which in my case seems to be spent alone.

    I hope you had support when you finally had time to "LOSE IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care of yourselves all, and I hope everyone is having an anxiety/ panic free day.

    Diana xxxxxx :-D

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