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Thread: The Bear Necessities...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Thumbs up The Bear Necessities...

    Hi everybody...

    Another train journey to Swansea from Paddington and back again three days later. Two cabs and a bus...Me with my Australian Backpacker's bag trying to look like Michael Palin (no chance).

    Swansea never knew what hit 'em. Neither did I for that matter. Survived it all though. Managed to keep the panic and angst in proportion.
    The mp3 player came in handy on the train. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT INTO YOUR MOBILE PHONES and kids should have volume controls fitted as standard...

    Nice to see the terrain rolling by. Saw so many isolated farmhouses where I might be able to escape and write my bestseller or paint the masterpiece...oops it's gone. Oh well...maybe another one soon?

    OK...I'd done this one before. I had some prior knowledge and to some degree it was like watching a favourite movie again. But surely the best thing to do with a successful endeavour is to repeat it?

    So I did.

    A few years ago I went on one of those 'Stop The War In Iraq' marches with a friend. We were all walking in the direction of the American Embassy between two lines of metal barriers erected by the Police.
    Out of the blue, my friend told me she was having a panic attack. She didn't look any different. No terrified expression. Just slightly hunched and silently gasping for breath. A girl behind us must have heard her because she suggested that we leave the main body of the march and rest in a side street. This is what we did and after a while her attack subsided...
    Much later we were taking the tube home and my friend was berating herself as a wimp for being so weak. I tried to point out that the crowded conditions had been responsible and what had happened to her had probably happened to a percentage of other people that day. It was nothing to be ashamed of and I mentioned that I had experienced panic attacks in the past when stressed or when doing something which I had never tried before...
    So she said I was a wimp as well!

    Friends eh? Sometimes I could kill 'em...

    I try not to laugh at or criticise other's when I hear of their struggles against Agoraphobia. Now that it has happened to me, I just feel sad. None of us want these conditions to rule our lives in the way they do and for much of the time, we may have little idea how we came to be like this...

    For me, it's frustrating, debilitating and unfair!!! I can accept that many people may not be able to understand what we go through and may resort to cruel , reactionary put-downs or mockery. Perhaps some of us are less sensitive than other's and become unaware of the alarming bodily sensations and sense of terror and disorientation that cause us to become Serial Avoiders?

    I would like to believe that the quality of a Society lies in the level of compassion and understanding it has for those who are experiencing vulnerable thoughts, feelings and mental distress of any kind. The higher the better. This is something we would all benefit from.

    Phew! Success story? More like an essay!

    I'm off the soapbox now (hmm, nice view though)... Lord, I was born a rambling ditherer!

    If you did, thanks for reading this.

    Take care all...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Hi Allan,

    I'm glad you had a good time and enjoyed your train ride. Sounded wonderful to me.




    I wish your march had been successful a few years back!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    'Awesome Allan' strikes again!!

    That made very enjoyable reading!

    But you're not a born ditherer - you're a born story teller, and what a success story!

    I can see there'll be no stopping you now my friend!!

    ...Nothing takes the past away like the future...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Lovely to read of your success Allan !

    You certainly did it !!! onwards and upwards from now hun !


    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Well done Allan

    Both for the train ride and helping your friend that time.
    Take care,

    Anxious moments pass as naturally as day follows night.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Thanks Mike...

    I still think your signature is terrific and will try to commit it to memory as a mantra to use in difficult times...

    All the best

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Hi Southern Belle...

    Thanks for your response...

    We did continue on the march after my friends Panic Attack and managed to make the rally point in Trafalgar Square, so it wasn't a complete disaster...

    All the best

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Hi GG...

    What can I say? Is this icing on the cake or what!?

    Full of energy with adrenalin on the ready...

    Once again I thank you...

    Take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: The Bear Necessities...

    Hi Honeybee...

    Thanks for your support and encouragement...

    A steady ascent can only be for the best...

    Take care


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