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Thread: Zyrtec

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , USA.


    I have terrible allergis. Had no choice, and started on Zyrtec today.
    My pharmacist said It should not make me jittery.
    But I took at 8:30 - and now feel a little jittery and shaky. I'm having a little choking sensation, is this the anxiety or medication. I've been doing great from weeks, and since the allergies started, it's brining me back to that PLACE.. where I don't want to be. But, I have to take something. Any advice.

    Panic and anxiety

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Take a look here ....


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    What allergies do you have out of interest?


  4. #4
    I think your jitter problem is caused by anticipating that the drug will make you jittery,
    In other words your probably paranoid.
    When I began taking medication I was worried to death that it might back fire on me, The thing is if your doctor says that it wont make you jittery its probably cause thiers no uppers in the drug that would do so.
    Anyway, just a little food for thought.
    Try to watch a good movie or something that you can really get into after taking the medication , Sometime in the middle of the movie stop for a second and ask yourself " am I jitttery?" Im willing to bet you wont be!

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