I dont normally reveal stuff about myself but this a poem I wrote 7 years ago when no-one would listen. It keeps me inspired to continue in life and belief in myself and find peace and happiness.

My Journey

Begging, pleading, praying for help
Someone to understand
Husband, family, doctor, in fact anyone
But they all considered me mad.

It took a long time to realise
That only one person could help
Someone who had been with me all along
That special person deep inside, was me.

Some people say “Its alright for you
You have a husband, a great family”
But thats not the answer
How could I love them
I didn't love me.

Self hate destroys
What's the point of going on
What man can love a woman who lies in a corner
Clutching teddy bears
Unwashed, not dressed
I longed to hear him say “Are you OK?”
But what I got was “Where's my tea?”

It was love, support, friendship I needed the most
So off to a day centre I had to go
My turning point, the beginning of my journey
A long and difficult trek
I know I will soon reach my destination, I can see the light
Freedom at last.

Black days were my days, but things have now changed
Enjoyment comes every day, each day has a purpose
Life is for living not just for surviving
I am here for a reason and I deserve the best.

As I write this my child enters the room
Her little face gleaming
Eyes bright, smile beaming
“Mummy” she shouts, “I love you”
That means everything to me
We have a special bond, unconditional love.

Luv as always Darkangel x