Hi every one , Ive given up on the meds , they just add other symptoms that I just dont need.
So I am trying to re design my life if possible , so far I have come up with the following ideas.............

1: follow a low GI diet , so I dont release so much adrenalin.
2: get 9 hours of sleep a night.
3: take a complex multi B vitamin.
4: take a vitamin C vitamin.
5: take a omega oil vitamin.
6: start using my progesterone cream.
7: try to be a bit more active , walking ect, and gentle excersize.
8: drink plenty of water.
9: practice my mindfulness and breathing.
10: chat to more people.
11: Get into my hobbies.
12: Go out everyday, even if its to the end of the road with the dog.

can you think of anything I have missed ? .