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Thread: Diazepam

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Can anyone taking Diazepam tell me what side effects they've experienced and does anyone know if it effects the heart rate ,ie slows or speeds it.
    Doc said for me to take 2.5mg twice a day for anxiety and shakyness, just a bit afraid of side effects.
    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    Hi Decca - I got prescribed Diazepam at the beginning of my anxiety & I had concerns like you, especially as I also have asthma, I got the same prescription as you, 2.5mg twice a day, but I just started with 1 a day and only had the 2 a day if it was really bad. I found it just calmed me down & it did relax me, it also made me tired, but I had no bad side effects. I hope this helps you, take care.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    Thanks BeckyC,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    I was wondering whether to just start on half of a half of a 5mg tab. that's about 1.25mg, would it do any good though ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    Also my anxiety seems worse first thing in the morning usually before ore just after getting out of bed, when would be the best time to take a diazepam tab. ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    Decca are you planning on taking the Diazepam long term or is this just to see you over a particularly bad patch? The reason I ask is that benzos do have a very addictive quality about them and it's not advisable to stay on them for longer than a few weeks.

  7. #7

    Re: Diazepam

    Hi Decca, you should probably take it whenever the anxiety is at its peak, so if mornings are bad for you, take it in the morning. 2.5mgs is a small dose and I doubt you would suffer any side effects although it may make you a bit tired. I was given 2mg tablets before and told to take them only when required (I take them as little as possible - usually before bed when I have trouble sleeping or when I'm travelling). They can be taken as required rather than taking a 'course' (taking them every day for a set period), although you should probably discuss this with your doctor first.

    The one thing you need to be aware of is that diazepam (and all other benzos) can be addictive if used on a long term basis and tolereance to them can build really quickly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Diazepam

    I agree with the above posts Decca. I've been stuck on diazepam now for nearly 5 years. Only 1 x 2mg a day, sometimes 1 every 2/3 days, but if I go for longer than 6 weeks without any at all, I'm in a mess. I would advise that if you're going to take these, then take them for no longer than 6 weeks. My anxiety usually happens at night, so I used to take them before bed. I generally get a good night's sleep this way & wake up just a little tired, nothing more. Hope you're back to your normal self soon !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    Thanks everyone for replying ,
    Many years agoused to be on Phenobarbitone,not for convulsions but for severe eczema and anxiety,it was the prescribed thing at the time, and it used to keep me in order until I managed to wean myself off of them. I now find that after problems at work etc stress and anxiety have returned so I feel I need something again, probably long term.I've been off work for 2 months now and by the way I feel can't see me returning yet a while.
    Doc. also gave me Citalopram but I don't really want to start taking them,
    because of the side effects ,I've been talking to some of my work colleagues that have taken then in the past and they all say that they felt worse on them.
    I don't think I'm depressed , I just need something to stop me feeling so shaky and generally anxious about everything.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Diazepam

    I haven't had Diaz. for some time as my surgery won't prescribe more than 6 at a time. I recall getting a dry mouth but no adverse reactions. Drink plenty of water til you get used to them would be my advice.

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