Hi Michelle, Many thanks for posting all those tips. My main problem is depersonalisation/unreality and feeling slighly off balance, plus "electric" feelings in my arms and legs. Also I have stupid thoughts about not wanting to be so far from my car when I go out anywhere and not wanting to go out with hubby and kids or any mates in case they see me upset etc. Also I dont want to drive the car far because of the unreality. Then I get the awful wishing people were dead thoughts (I know deep down I dont really mean it) and "what ifs" and I am just so glad you posted those tips on here.

Like you Michelle, I am going to have to try and ignore the bully more and do more relaxation and DONT look back. Also I must try the breathing exercises more too. I think that my problem with breathing exercises and relaxation is that I am impatient and want instant results and to see immediate improvement. I am just going to have to try and be more patient are I? What do you think about exercise Michelle?

Many thanks again