I don,t have a lot to say but I will say that I feel guilty in a way that I am taking up your time.sorry. I just can,t seem to through this thing.And thanks meg for the info I really don,t want to sound rude but I just can,t bring myself to sit down and read things even if they are for the good.Please don,t take this the wrong way I know some people have taken things I have said the wrong way.And when I have had a nasty experence with a place or person I avoid the place or person like theres no tommorrow.Which means my agorophobia is getting so much worse.And to be honest this is one of my larst places I can find human contact without panic.And the thought of loosing all this contact from the outside world is another great sorce of depression for me.I feel like my life is being sucked out of me a day at a time and I have an overwellming feeling or removement from mankind.And now having to deal with this all consuming depression on top of the agrophobia has almost destroyed my spirit and my will to live.(I am not going to do anything rash).I find myself becomming very tyred,and I now spend a lot of time in bed asleep.It,s as if my whole life is being sucked into a big black hole and the center of the whole is my bed,and the big black hole has consumed almost everything outside my bed and bedroom.

wow for somebody who did,nt have a lot to say I yabbered on a bit.
but I just wanted to let people know how depression feels from my point of view.of course I could go on for hours about how I.m always on the brink of crying all the time.And oh the overwellming feelings of dispear.and the...ect....ect...........ect.But I won,t bore you to tears.

Thanks all Brill.

Ps meg I will try to read the info a little at a time.

Never give up
Never give in
Life,s to short
Make it last