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Thread: Drug induced Depersonalisation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Drug induced Depersonalisation

    ive had cannabis induced Deperosonalisation for 4 months now and every day is a living hell. I was wondering if anyone else knows anything about this condition as i fell totally helpless. It seems like im trying to fix myself and i dont know what to fix. I am so scared that ive gone crazy and there is no way back for me, ive had counselling and all the time i was there it jus concentrated me more on myself. I JUST WANT SomE GODDAMN RELIEF!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    Don't worry about the drugs. It seems a lot of people worry they've done themselves some kind of long term damage, but the drugs generally do nothing more than act as a trigger to your anxiety. You haven't gone crazy.

    Depersonalisation is really just a way for your mind to cope with the pressure that it's under and it will subside as the anxiety does.
    \'Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.\'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    Hi there, just to let you know that i have only ever taken prescription drugs given to me by my doctor. I never ever suffered with DP/DP and unreality until i was given Seroxat and it nearly killed me! Since i have had that, haven't taken in for two years now, i have had unreality etc, and it is still with me and refuses to let me go. I know what it is like and what you are going through and it has driven me mad for the past two years, but i am still here, still carrying on and coping the only ways that i can. Just carry on and on and it should become less and less as time goes on. Mine is still there but instead of it being all day everyday, now it comes over me in intense waves, very scary but they dont last as long now. Hopefully it will go sooner rather than later.x
    It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    Hi Dancingwobbler, I too suffer with unreality/depersonalisation, have done since July/August last year. I, just like you and Angiebaby, have been driven mad with it. Take this morning for example, I went to a car boot sale about 4 miles away and I was tensing up with the unreality, like I was bracing myself against it and walking as if there was a Lion waiting to get me around the next corner!! This in turn made my balance go a bit and then I was so uncomfortable with myself. But depsite this I managed to stay 40 or 50 minutes at the boot sale. I know exactly how it feels and I am also aware that its our minds giving us a break and nothing to be scared of - I wish I could get that into my head. Things to help - do breathing exercises, distraction, suck a polo (stops you over breathing and lessons the unreality as a result) and relaxation. You are not going mad - We are NOT going mad though it feels that way at times. So as Angiebaby says, just carry on and it should get less and less. I know I have experienced this before now and it has ALWAYS gone.

    Take Care

  5. #5

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation


    I think I have a very similar problem..
    May I ask ...are you still smoking?

    I am about to start 20 mg Citalopram but still smoke, although nowhere near as much as I did, but have read they don't mix so to speak!

    Are you taking any meds?

    Hope you're felling ok today...

    xx Poppet xx.
    Ad Majora Natus Sum....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    "cannabis-induced depersonalization"

    there's your problem mate, you've convinced yourself that the weed has messed you up.

    it hasn't, it's just triggered some anxiety (a common side-effect of pot) and now you're feeding that anxiety by contstantly worrying about it. Distraction is the key to beating depersonalization - distraction and exercise.

  7. #7

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    I too suffer with DP at the moment and it is really scaring and upsetting me. Trying really hard to convince myself that it will go but its so hard.

    I think my DP may stem from a drug experience, I ate some seriously strong hash cake in Amsterdam years ago. I really didn't know anything about drugs and had no idea of what I was getting myself into. I had a very bad reation to it and was tripping like crazy and couldn't see or walk or anything.

    Is it worse if you are tired?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Drug induced Depersonalisation

    Please note that this post is quite old now

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