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Thread: Emetophobia Sufferers??? Is there a cure???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Emetophobia Sufferers??? Is there a cure???

    Well, this post is basically to get everything off my chest that has been REALLY getting me down these past couple of weeks........

    I have suffered from emetophobia for years now and was recently ill (although not sick!!) and it brought all those feelings I thought I had control of........... so because of my curious (maybe slightly obsessed mind!!!) I trawled the internet looking for a name for this phobia of being sick. I came across lots of websites for emetophobes and at first I was so relieved to have found them.... but gradually as I started to read more and more on these websites I began to think that the people using the sites aren't making themselves any better by doing all that......... Instead they were posting messages panicking about bugs or goin into detail about being sick. I know that is what they are there for but in turn, this made my emetophobia worse without me realising.............. I thought it would be great to chat to people who suffer the same but instead it made me take on their worries as well as my own..... the websites were just so negative and morbid..... I really would advise anyone suffering to stay away from these sorts of sites.... I know they have been set up to help but all people are doing (and I know it is NOT purposely) is making each other worse instead of helping each other.... they should be writing about their successes not vomit or warning that a bug is going round.....

    I find this No More Panic site great because it's positive and supportive..... there's no morbid stories etc.... it's just people listening to your problems and giving you advice!!! Really friendly and helpful.....

    I'm sorry for the long moaning post but I'm just so mad with myself because I have really gone off the rails these past couple of weeks reading all those stories made my mind whir with panic and anxiety that I have never really suffered with before. I can't eat properly, I don't wanna come to work, my life is a mess at the moment....... The other night I broke down to my friend and she was sooooo supportive but I can't believe I've got myself like this............ I'm worrying about things that never used to even cross my mind..................... AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi kjen welcome to the forum im sure you will get lots of good advice here and there are lots of postings about emetophobia that might help you.............i know what you mean about trawling the internet it does throw up some weird and wonderful stuff but not all of it very helpful as you have found.............hope you get on much better here

    fan x

    "dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Sometimes it can make you worse by reading too much info but I am pleased that you have found this site to be useful and supportive.


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