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Thread: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

  1. #41

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi all I haven't been on for awhile but I really enjoyed this post, am still reading up and doing all of the breathing exercises but am still struggling as I feel that am getting to grips with it and breathing fine, all of a sudden its like I get caught up with the breathing!! I think I've started to get stuck on this part of the getting better, and cant seem to move on!! I'm also still trying to find my way round this site and how to talk to you from here!! OH well thanx for your help Granliz

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    thank you for that, it has helped to have sypmtoms listed like that

    you're an Angel


    Life is a journey, not a destination

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    hi michelle

    just wondered if you ever had problems with your sleep and if you did how did you overcome this.

    i have always been able to sleep but really struggle now i get so upset when i cant get to sleep and that starts the whole insomnia cycle off

    any suggestions


  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Smile Re: Fab !!

    Hi Michelle, what a fab post, and yes as I got to the 'tongue' bit I realised mine was stuck to the top of my mouth lol

    And the best inspiration is that you 'had it, survived it, and are here to tell the tale'.

    I am going to print a copy later, its written so simply and to the point that it
    makes total sense.

    Thanks Christine

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Thanks michelle for a fab post, I can relate to so much of it
    Can I ask how long this has taken you?
    I am recovering slowly and the set backs are becoming
    less frequent but still frighten me. Day to day the tension is less
    and my thoughts are often pushed away, but I havent conquered
    everything yet.
    Anne x

  6. #46

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic


  7. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi, Michelle,

    I'm not sure if you are still answering questions, but if you are I hope you don't mind answering mine.
    One of my symptoms is an urgency to use the toilet, sometimes only a few minutes after I last went its always worse at work. This mightn't seem like a very serious thing I know lots of people have worse symptoms than this but its making me more anxious.

    On this website in the section about symptoms it says anti acids can help I'm not sure were to buy this and I wondered if you know if it works or if you can give me any advice. Thank you Anna.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    from Blossom.
    I have had anxiety and agorahobia manyyears, also cant stay alone at any time, I was on SEROXAT for 3 years, and my GP took me off them due to drastic headaches, and put me on many different anti-meds, Now on Cipralex 4 years, but I have started to be very depressed, and not able to stop crying every day ofmy life, I try to get out when I can with my husband, and cousin who drives us, but even when out the tears come, and I want tocome home, but try and stick it out. Am addicted to Valium,and they say I have been on them too long to get me off them now.
    Can anyone help me with the depression, I seem to live in the past when I was not too bad, but after they stopped the SEROXAT cold turkey 7 years ago, the depression set in really badly.
    Any suggestions please.I am so afraid. from Blossom
    Blossom Bargh

  9. #49
    Hi there, this is my first time on this site, I have been trying to find something, or somehow to releive some of my symptoms of anxiety and haven't been successful with any of it. I am at a really bad spot right now, not eating, not sleeping, and I am so lost on what to do. I read all of these stories and posts and just don't know if I can ever get past this horrible feeling long enough to let myself feel good.

    I am a Christian, and the amount of guilt I feel for the thoughts I get is rediculous. Can anybody relate to that? I worry constantly that I am going to mess up and wreck everything good in my life. I know that these things will never happen, but I can't help but worry all the time about it.

    I have been on Paxil for about 3 years now, and I think possibly the effects of it might be wearing off, I am feeling all of the same symptoms I felt before the meds and don't know how to get past that. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to go over possible reasons why this is happening, and I am also going to be calling a counsellor. I am thinking of trying cognitive behavioural therapy. But at this point I am willing to try anything, but at the same time don't have much hope that anything is going to work

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi everyone,

    What a fantastic thread - I have learned more about panic attacks reading this than I have from anywhere.

    My Story:- (Sorry to bore you)

    Firstly have suffered on and off with anxiety over the past ten years or so and managed (or so I thought) to get "rid" of it.

    Had a fantastic holiday in Cyprus last year with my Hubby - until the last day! We had a fantastic meal, were sharing laughs and jokes when all of a sudden I knew I was going to faint (This has happened for years BTW), so off I went into a deep faint which I have done loads of times before. Then as per-usual felt extremely tired afterwards and was violently sick. All that part wasn't totally unual for me, probably heat and dehydration being the cause.

    Ever since then I have a fear that I am going to faint! (I think this is where my current state of mind stems from).

    When I am in certain situations etc., restaurants, socialising, supermarkets sand even public transport! I get this awful feeling come over me, tingling hands and feet and hot feeling comes all over me and makes we want to wee urgently I feel that I just need to get out of that place (wherever it is). Sometimes it only last a short while but other times the feeling gets stronger.This is the same type of feeling when I am going to faint!

    I know most people on this forum suffer an awful lot more than I do, but it still feels awful to me. I wondered if anyone can help me with coping strategies. I do not want to live my life avoiding these situation as I feel I am being unfair on the people close to me.

    Had a Holiday booked for Mexico in January and we had to cancel it becasue I just couldn't cope with the thought of it! Hubby has now booked a holiday for 4 weeks time and everytime I start to think about it I panic! I also know that I have to face these places to learn to deal with them, but how to I start.

    Please help, my heart goes out to all you sufferers! and a big hug goes to each and every one of you.

    Karen xx
    Last edited by karenb; 09-04-08 at 09:16. Reason: left out a bit!
    Karen xxx

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