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Thread: Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

    Hi, I'm new to this site, have found it very helpful and reassuring that there are people out there with the same worries as me. I have been suffering for health anxiety for about 9 years now, I'm 30! Over the years I have had various different worries i.e MS but after having a MRI scan which came back completely normal I moved away from neurological, I now fear the big C. My health anxiety comes and goes, I was really bad after losing my Mum 6 years ago to MND. I had my first child 11 months ago and haven't felt right since, I left it a while then started going to the doctors he ran blood tests and eventually dianosed me with underactive thyroid but this was the start of my recent health anxiety worries.

    I have suffered with chest pain on and off for 3 years it has always been put down to anxiety, the pain feels like it is in the bone in my breast bone. I have been really concentrating on this lately and it seems to be gettin worse then I got a chest infection which I only knew I have because I was bringing up blood in my phlegm, was put on antibiotics which didn't work and it ended up coming back and I ended up in A&E one night where I have an xray and the dr made some comment about if I was older he would be worried about my xray which sent me into a blind panic, I was put on steroids and a different antibiotic, which seemed to do the trick was still bringing up phlegm but it was clear/white. I did go to my GP and ask him to get a report for my xray from the hospital which he did and it came back normal with no abnormalities. 2 days ago I noticed blood in my phlegm again and haven't stopped crying since, I am so convinced I have lung cancer because of the pain and blood I have made an appointment with a private GP as I feel my doctor just puts everything down to anxiety because of my history but I know that anxiety can't cause blood in my phlegm.

    I am so scared and keep having thoughs about dying and leaving my baby and husband behind. None of my friends have ever brought up blood in their phlegm, just wondered if anyone out there has or knows anyone that has and it turned out to be OK.

    Sorry for the waffling, but I am soooooo scared.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

    Hi , just wanted to say , I have read on this site quite a few people say they had blood in there phlem and it turned out to be harmless.
    The good thing is you have had xrays , so im sure your fine because usually a few hospital doctors look at the xrays together to share opinions.
    Hope you are ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

    You poor thing. I had exactly this problem over the last 6 mths. I got a chest infection in October and coughed and coughed so much that I made somewhere bleed. I had a chest x-ray and it showed infection and an area that wasn't inflating properly. I also had pain in chest bone probably due to excessive coughing but still scarey. I had to take 5 different courses of antibiotics to clear the infection but it has gone now. Maybe you misheard the doc at the hospital it sounded like a very flippant remark. Anyway do get it all checked out I hope it all turns out fine. I know that you will not be able to stop worrying until you know. I'm sure that it will be. Let us know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , Ireland.

    Re: Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

    Quote Originally Posted by lambe View Post
    I have suffered with chest pain on and off for 3 years it has always been put down to anxiety, the pain feels like it is in the bone in my breast bone. I have been really concentrating on this lately and it seems to be gettin worse then I got a chest infection which I only knew I have because I was bringing up blood in my phlegm, was put on antibiotics which didn't work and it ended up coming back and I ended up in A&E one night where I have an xray and the dr made some comment about if I was older he would be worried about my xray which sent me into a blind panic,
    Hello Lambe,

    Welcome to the site. It's a fantastic resource for those of us who at some stage worry too much about our health. Stop worrying - you're going to be just fine. The chances are you'll get to know your great grand children!

    When I was at my worst the chest pain was one of my biggest concerns and I was convinced that years of smoking had resulted in lung cancer. I believed this even though I was in my 30's and had clear CAT scan results. I was so anxious that I didn't believe the doctors.

    I went through health anxiety after the children came along (and I was only the dad!). It can be a very stressful time.

    In my case the chest pain, which I was convinced was in the bone in the middle of my chest and in my ribs, turned out to be caused by acid reflux.

    Acid reflux, which is very common and made worse by anxiety, results in a muscular spasm in a valve whose job it is to prevent acid going into your lungs. It's called a cricopharyngeal spasm. Talk to your doctor about this possibility but forget about cancer if they have told you that your x-rays are clear.

    The pain might also be caused by wind trapped in the same area. You could try to belch up whatever wind might be trapped there and pain might disappear. Alternatively you could eat a couple of bananas and I'll bet the pain will disappear. Whatever you do avoid spicy foods for a while and see if things improve.

    The doctor's comment re the x-ray sounds ridiculous but he/she may have only been concerned about the possibility of pneumonia if you were at a more vulnerable age.

    When you start to relax the reduction in anxiety will reduce the stomach acid production and everything should fall into place.

    Best wishes.
    Keep On Keepin On

  5. #5

    Re: Lung Cancer or recurring chest infection

    i am haveing the same thing just now,and my prob is the min i see blood i get really scared,but i ve just been to the docters and they have given me antibiotics they say its broncietsis and thats why theres blood,if the antibiotics dnt work then they will send me for an exray to see wats going on.but i also have a tooth which is needing taken out and quite often theres blood around it,its at the back of my mouth and the blood could be goind down my throat from there,i share all your conceren and i lie awake with worrie,i have allways been that way i guess i thought i was weired and i was the only person that feels this way..try not to worry i think the more we worrie the worse we feel chin up x

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