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Thread: I did it - booked hol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I did it - booked hol

    Well after much deliberation. I agreed last night to my friend booking us a four night stay in Rome at the beginning of August.

    This is the first time that I will have been away without Dave since my anxiety started. I'm really apprehensive about going but really want to do it too. It is somewhere I have always wanted to go.

    Becca is my best friend, who I've known since I was five but we've never been on holiday together other than as kids. In fact we booked to go to Rome as teenagers but the day we were supposed to go the company went bust! Hopefully I won't be jinxed this time.

    Not sure what I can do to prepare, any ideas?

    I'm sure I'll be here for support during the lead up to going

    I do feel it is a positive if not a very scary thing though


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Jules

    Well done for booking, brilliant step!!!!

    Preparation beforehand....
    1-Have you thought about going for hypnotherapy?, ive done it and its brilliant for relaxation.
    2-Go buy yourself some 'holiday' clothes to get yourself in the mood.
    3-Try and do some exercise a few times a week..go swimming or get an exercise DVD
    4-Try Yoga for relaxation
    5-Generally look after yourself, good food, exercise, relaxation etc.

    This is what I took for mine..and it
    1-Big bottle or water
    2-Puzzle book
    3-Rescue remedy
    4-Personal CD player with relaxation tape
    5-Comfy clothes
    6-Emergengy Diazepam tablets (I took 2mg in the lounge as we were boarding and was fine...didnt need any on the way home!!)
    7-My husbands knees to grab onto if I needed

    take care, I hope this was any use for you!!!

    love Sarah

    we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Well done for finally saying 'enough' to your anxiety and booking your trip to Rome.The more we live our lives the better our anxiety gets as we dont run away from things.

    As for coping techniques, I would say just do lots of positive thinking from now until your holiday. Eat healthily, breath properly, maybe take a relaxation CD with you to help you relax on the plane etc, take the usual vitamin B to help with the stress levels, sip rescue remedy throughout the day when on holiday. Remember you are safe no matter where you are and nothing will happen to you.

    Does your friend know about your anxiety?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Just remember you are with your best friend and what better medicine can that be. she knows you inside out and however you feel with be your life line. Thats what best friends are for. Youve booked it, the biggest step allowing yourself to do it. Now you just enjoy it and remember you are with someone who loves you to bits.

    Even your darkest hour only last 60 minutes!!

    Sal xxxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jules,

    Well done for booking the holiday!! It's a big step. I've gone away a few times and have been a nervous-wreck before each trip so I know how you feel. The good thing is that you are with your mate - I was by myself most times and that was awful. Just make sure you take along a lot of things that you enjoy and things that you can distract yourself with: books, puzzles, snacks, etc. Good luck!!

    Sarah (seh1980)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    WOW! You star. Give yourself a pat on the back and go and buy yourself some treats to take away with you.

    Think the advice given so far is all good and think you may find it useful to buy a small note pad so you can write down how you are feeling as it happens. Unless of course you already keep a diary in which case just take that with you. I find it a good release to write things down and its always interesting to look back on.

    Keep us posted on how you're getting on, with the build up etc


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hiya jules

    WOW rome, is there any room in ur suit case to take me wid u, lol

    really the best thing to do to prepare urself is to make ur self think its gonna be fab and u can see the tower of pizzzzzzzzzzza and eat pizza!!! FUN FUN FUN. also make sure u have everythin like suntan lotion etc

    enjoy ur self

    Scooter Girl

    if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Jules, well done, i know it is a big step going away from someone who knows you and your anxiety so well, i am off to university in september, away from my mum for months on end. if you go on holiday then you will give me the confidence to go through with my big step too


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Wrong bit of Italy for Tower of Pisa.

    She'll be busy re-enacting Gladiator instead and getting blessed by the Pope.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Maybe a blessing is what I need to help get rid of my anxiety.

    ~Thanks all of you for the tips. I'm going to give them all a go. At the moment I'm bunged up with a cold and so am feeling particularly sorry for myself. Maybe some Italian sunshine is just what I need


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