Thank you both very much.

So Jo did you get the exact symptoms I jhave described? its like today my stomach has been trying to trick me, its bubbling but also growling for food but all day ive not eaten.

My hubby is now just making me some oven chips but I have told him not to add cheese;-) Not a healthy meal but I don't feel like anything.

Yesterday all I ate was some marmalade on kingmill toast then at lunch I bought a new loaf which was a wholemeal one with seeds (not had this before) with some spicy edam now I can eat curries all the time and they don't affect my tum really. I was fine afterwards then had the tuna, salad & potato for tea with a glass of white wine and went to bed an hour or so later. I then woke in the early hours with a stomach like a witches couldren which once I get it it doesn't ease for about 24 hours or so, does it last this long with you? and does it make you need the loo? sorry tmi.

I am keeping a food diary now and I will take it along to my GP in 2 weeks to see what he thinks.

Thanks so much, your reply has been very helpful.