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Thread: HELP!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi, im new to this site. Havent been to the doctors yet but feel as if i suffer from panic/anxiety attacks. It all happened when i was in the bath of all places! To add more disaster to the cause, my girlfriend then dumped me 2 days before my birthday.

    I only seem to panic when im by myself, alone in my bedroom. I am finding this site very useful and have read the articles with great interest and now putting them into practice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Hiya paul,

    Do you have full blown panic everytime you are in the bathroom???

    Do you feel 'normal' when you are not alone in the bathroom?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    I havent come round to having another bath as of yet, but i can quite happliy go into the bathroom and feel fine.

    Its more anxiety, i cant keep still, my mind runs away with itself - i have got a relaxation CD which does help, if i can .

    The anxiety mainly occurs mainly in my bedroom when im by myself before i go to sleep, although my body feelds tired, my mind is still active.

    Having read other peoples experience, i do not think i suffer from panic attacks (ie. i dont get a tight chest or problems with breathing), its more anxiety. I have joined a gym, and do my workout fine and dandy but once im in my bedroom alone, thats when it starts to kick in.

    It does concern me, but i try and talk to my parents and they say im in a rut (due to the split from my girlfriend, and im in the unfortunate position of working with her aswell) and i need to get of it, maybe i am but the anxiety is making me stressed.

    Part of me tells me to go to the doctors, but then i dont want to go on medication and be on it for the rest of my life. Then the other part of me says that its just one of things, get over it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Hiya Paul,

    I seems I read your post wrong!![Duh!]. I thought you had written you only panic in the bathroom!!!!!

    You don't need meds to get 'better' it is a personal choice that some people make when they are in a pretty bad state, anti depressants and such help anxiety/panic/depression sufferers to get on a bit of an even keel along with the sufferer taking steps to get themselves together (pls anyone feel free to jump in re the meds as i have no personal experience)

    I'm glad you are able to talk to your parents about this.

    Can you explain a bit more about your anxiety in your bedroom??

    Is there anything you can change when you go into your room ie put on a 'feel good' cd, have some rescue remedy handy, read a book, do a crossword or even have some sort of personal stereo with relaxing music for when you are 'dropping' off to sleep

    I know this is difficult but I am hoping that you have caught this 'early' or you are perhaps just going through a 'bad' time and you are not destined to become an anxiety sufferer!!!

    There is nothing worse than lying in bed 'thinking' and the more you 'think' the more active your minfd will become therefore making it harder to get to sleep!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hi Paul,
    welcome. It might be a good idea to at least see your GP. They wouldn't neccesarily advise meds but they could be a great help [mine was].
    I have this vision of you not having had a bath since then and in this weather !! Seriously it does sound like anxiety and you are doing all the right things [coming on here, doing your tape etc.] so you may well see it through without meds but keep an open mind.

    You'll get loads of support on here everyone is great,
    take care,
    love from Tess

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Tess,

    Dont worry, im having a shower tonight! [8D]

    I think i will go to the doctors, im off for a weeks holiday so i suppose it would be worth just talking to him.

    But hopefully, like you said, i can overcome this with my will power [}] and if i just take one day at a time. I was quite chuffed last night as i came in from work and for once relaxed for about an hour and had some sleep

    As i have to lucky though, it does seem to stem from my ex-girlfriend and probably me not able to get her out of my mind due to working opposite each other:(

    Thanks for your kind words and advise, im chuffed to bits ive found this site!


    best get back to do some work

    Take Care


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Hiya paul,

    Splitting up from a partner is hard enough without having that person 'in your face' all the time, it can really hurt. I think a weeks holiday is great as you will get out of that environment.

    Everyone has these thoughts Paul, ie will i find anyone else, what is wrong with me etc etc. It is hard to 'push' them to the back of your mind, but hopefully they will 'fade' with time and you will meet someone else when you are ready. i always feel it is healthy having time on your own after a breakup. I have been with my partner for 10 years and have 2 small children but I get upset at the thought of us splitting ie who would want a single mother of two young boys , how would I cope financially, how would I cope emotionally (it hasn't been that long since I thought I was headed for a nervous breakdown)

    It is reassuring to know that people are in the same boat I remeber when i first found this forum the relief was enormous. We are all here with help whenever yu need us or if yuo want to have a chat or a good old moan

    Take Care

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Paul,

    You're describing anxiety all right.

    I think you'll get over this fine without meds at this stage as you're fairly mild and intermittant . Prove to yourself that you can shift the physical hot flushes etc by getting busy with something then they aren't so worrisome...

    You would benefit from some CBT though to help you realign your thought perspective and patterns

    Ask your doctor if he can refer you. Bit of a postcode lottery to time of wait .

    If you're up to some hard work try ' Feeling good' David Burns or a briefer read ''What to say when you talk to yourself' Shad Helmsetter.

    Use that relaxation CD everyday as its a cumulative thing ..

    You'll be fine .


    Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
    If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
    Robert Albert Bloch

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Meg,

    Thanks for your advice. I am determined to get through this - i had a really good night lastnight - went to the gym, came home didn't have a smoke, and for the first time in weeks, relaxed and drifted off to sleep (after watching BB of course!) with my mind at rest! [8D]

    Today has been ok but mainly because my ex is not in the office, i know that when she is back in tomorrow, i may suffer :( but i sure ill be fine, if not ill be on the forum having a good old moan[Ugh]!

    Im going to buy those books which you recommended to me, think it will help me along and definately keep me busy!

    Take Care


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Paul

    Sorry I haven't said hello to you yet.

    I hope you are doing ok and how was it at the office with your ex back? I had to work with an ex once and it was hard seeing him everyday so I hope you are coping ok.

    Welcome aboard anyway.


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