Quote Originally Posted by sheba2 View Post
Hi Joyce.

I had this for a few months over Christmas. It was really unpleasant and especially bad at night time. I had had a chest infection at the same time and at first I thought it was related to that but I now know it was due to excessive swallowing. My cough had caused irritation in my throat and I became very anxious about that and then started the swallowing which then developed into Globus Hystericus (imaginary lump in throat) this of course caused more anxiety and more swallowing. Sometimes the amount of saliva was so bad I felt like I was drowning in it. It took me a few months to believe it wasn't anything sinister I also found taking a rennie at night and during the day helped with the saliva thing. In the end I used to let the saliva run out into a tissue or towel rather than keep swallowing. This really helped break the cycle. Hope ths helps cos I know how miserable it is.
did you have this all day long like me