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Thread: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    I'm hoping to withdraw from mirtazapine 30mg to 15mg initially hopefully eventually stopping it. My psychiatrist will probably add risperidone into the mix as I am already on lithium and prothiaden. I tried to stop in July by tapering and eventually stopping but I suffered severe anxiety and depression. I also experienced panic attacks with some visual hallucinations. So it's understandable that I'm scared. I have my GPs support and my psychiatrist but they are both away on hoilday at the moment. I asked my psychiatrist to give me some valium which he has done to ease the transition. If the panic attacks become too bad I'll have to go back on it. I know that some of you guys have withdrawn from anti depressants. I just wonder how you have all done it without having to be admitted as an inpatient.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    hiya cant help u with this but just wanted to send u huge hug and bump u back up the forum again and hopefully people will be able to help. hugs xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    Thanks Donna. Trying to withdraw from mirtazapine brought me to no more panic in the first place. Have had one day on 15mg all ok so far. I have my psychiatrist and GPs fullest support but both are on holiday at the moment. I am sure other members must have withdrawn fron these anti depressants. I'm not sure whether I can face all that panic and anxiety again hence the valium. Haven't needed to take it yet though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    I'm on day three of my withdrawal. I'm down to 15mg. I see my GP on Wednesday. Because I had such a bad time last time I'm just taking one day at a time. I had a few panicky feelings in Church today but they came to nothing thank goodness. I wont be taking any valium unless it is absolutely necessary. I just had no idea that with drawing from anti depressants could be so difficult. Slept really well last night so that is one positive to remember.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    Today is definitely different although I am still sleeping well on 15mg. I have started to have that panicky feeling in my stomach. It is a feeling like I cannot catch my breath. I shall have to do something about it probably to use my relaxation cd tonight and see if it makes any difference. I see my GP on Wednesday. I dont really want to stop withdrawing before I feel I have even started. Our shop is moving which is adding to my stress as the existing one is extremely dusty. I'll be glad when all the boxes are packed up. The main move is on Wednesday and Thursday. The panic is rather like an empty sicky feeling in the stomach. If I can fit in some swimming this week I am sure it will help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    well nothing has changed. I haven't felt a big increase in my anxiety although I'm certainly more crabby today. Our shop is moving and it is just full of boxes. People keep coming in and wishing us luck. We are going to need it. I am off to see my GP who has been away on her hols. I have noticed an increase in my thirst but that could be to do with the lithium I also take and nothing to do with the mirtazapine. I have also successfully logged onto the bi-polar forum (thanks Happy one) At the moment I'm managing quite well on 15mg of mirtazapine although I am finding it difficult to sleep. I'm not keen in the drop in dose but that is the way my psychiatrist wants to go before trying me on something else.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    I haven't posted for a few days because my firm that I work for has been m oving shop. I was working in the new shop on Friday but we had no credit card machines so all transactions had to be in cash or cheque. Hopefully the phones will be on on Monday. My nearest colleague has failed his audition for the choir we all belong to. I'm concerned because I haven't had mine yet. I'm still coping very well on 15mg of mirtazapine and have not had any additional panic and anxiety. I expect the fun will really start when I go down to half or alternate days. I was a bit teary on Friday and reacted and had a bit of a spat with another colleague. I need to calm down . I dont like change. My psychiatrist appointment isn't until 22nd September.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    Hang on in there. If you struggle with smaller doses it's likely you'll be put back to the dose where you have coped the best. You mentioned that you may be put on another medication too. If you feel awful when you go to alternate days, I would suggest you either phone your psychiatrist or go back to taking a small dose every day until you see him. It's not so long now to your appointment. I've been on this stuff for years.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    Thasnks Jo for your post. I am going to try to come off these drugs. Have felt absolutely c... today. My back has been killing me all day but I managed going out to lunch and the evensong. Before the rehearsal I hads a panic attack. I felt like running. Fortunatly it went off and didn't come back in mini waves. This is bad news as I'm only on 15mg I hope this isn't a foretaste of things to come. I didn't have my valium with me. Oh help. I coped I survived woo hoo even with the back pain. Hopefully I'll begin to feel better tomorrow.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mirtazapine withdrawal from 30mg to 15mg with valium to help.

    Well I can't exactly say that I'm doing brilliantly at the moment. I have hurt my back and am off sick (husband looking after me). Most if not all pain killers make me sick like very very ill. Have I learn't my lesson. NO. I was presribed tramadol yesterday by a locum and have been soo ill. I couldn't take any of my other meds last night so I'm not sure where that leaves me. I was crying in pain and because I felt so helpless. So most pain killers interact with the lithium and now I can add another to the list. Have felt spacey and out of it on just 100mg. I am also allergic to codeine, and all NSAIDS. So I've been hooked up to my TENS and am allowed paracetamol and vallium which also makes me spacey but as I haven't been going anywhere that hasn't been a problem. However tomorrow is another day.....

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