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Thread: depersonalization/derealization

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    Hi Pip

    I can relate to your symptoms also.

    Iv had it for a couple of months now, this not here feeling is the worse along with feeling light headed all the time.

    love mandie x

  2. #12

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    Hey guys,

    reading all your storys on here has made me feel so much better. Ive felt for the last two months im so alone like im the only person in the world going through this. Mine was self inflicted i smoked pot which ive been strictly told by my psycologist never to do again. Because my body cant handle it. Seeing as im only 17 and i do have a family history of skitzofrenia its very wise not to touch it again. It sent me crazy the night i smoked i felt like i was going insane like i was lossing grip with reality, i kept loosing concentration and felt as though i was in a video game. Ive spent the last two months waking up every morning worrying am i going to go through it again. Its like its controlling my life. I cant get on with my normal life anymore because im constantly worrying it might happen again. All my friends think im loosing it/ they think its all in my head im imagining it. Only if they knew what im going through. Its terrible. The absolute worst feeling in the world. The only place i feel safe at is the hospital. The reassurance thats everythings going to be ok. Im now on anti depressants which are helping a bit. Though i still feel as though im not all here. As ive been reading on here the thing that gets u through it is will power u have to believe in yourself believe that its ok u can do it. its just a bad thought its not going to hurt u nor are u going insane. =]


  3. #13

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    its reassuring to know others feel like i do. i analyse everything and i feel like i am outside the world looking in. ive just has a baby he's 5 mths now and i'm suffering this every day.

    can anyone advise what med's are good for this. Doctor give me buspar but i'm worried about taking them

    Please help

  4. #14

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    Am new to this site but basically suffered from a depersonalisation type disorder for many years. The sensation is constant although it varies in intensity, and when I first had it was much much worse.

    It has always been diagnosed as a form of anxiety disorder, which I guess it probably is. On this site because I've been experiencing panic attacks recently and found the site had some good guidance on this.

    For anyone experiencing depersonalisation, also worth checking out - a site dedicated to this.

    The SSRI citalopram helped me a lot. I'm now thinking of taking lexapro instead. Anyone taken both and can compare?


  5. #15

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    I too can totally relate to the derealisation and depersonalisation feelings that everybody is talking about. They are scary but they do get better as long as you get on with things and try not to dwell on your feelings too much, i know this is hard. It is interesting that a previous poster mentioned that there dp seems to get worse when there anxiety decreases, i have also found this to be the case, like a secondary wave after the initial fear has subsided. We've all thought we're going mad (well i certainly did and still do sometimes!) but there is a perfectly good explanation for the feelings so use this knowledge and try to ignore the feelings as best you can and they will get better with time. I think it's the same with all anxiety issues, time is the best healer but we're all looking for an instant fix. Right now i'm suffering pretty badly from dp and dr and i'm off on holiday to Florida next week which is a scary thought for me but i'm trying to turn it into a positive as i know i will be more relaxed when i'm there and hopefully the sun will be shining and that helps us all!

    Good luck to everyone, things WILL get better.

    You can never tell someone you love them enough

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    I have this right now. Had a small panic attack earlier today and it was like a 10/10 of depersonalization during it, and then it is like a post effect to every panic attack I have. It should be gone by tomorrow. Sucks a lot though because I have never had this until on of my first panic attacks. Now I get it anytime I have adrenaline, panic, anxiety, drink alcohol, eat to much suger and "think it will do something to me", etc.
    Panic attack and GAD free for 2+ years!
    Click here to see my journal and how I eliminated them!
    "What the mind can conceive, it can can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

  7. #17

    Re: depersonalization/derealization

    Hi ome new to no more panic . Please help I feel like ime going daft.... I cannot cope with all the different body sensations x

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