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Thread: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    That was a most interesting programme and although my issues are more anxiety based they do say anxiety and depression are two sides of the same coin so I was glad I watched it.

    I also have to say I must have come a fair way now on the journey to managing it as I didn't feel anxious at all watching it. When I first started with anxiety 8 years ago I used to avoid any programmes at all about mental health because I think I wanted to pretend it wasn't happening to me.

    All kudos to Alistair for doing this programme - the more the likes of Stephen Fry and Alistair Campbell etc bring it out in the open the more the stigma will lessen and that will take a good deal of the fear out of the equation.

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  2. #2
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    Piglet my girl x

    Seen the last 20 mins, very good, I will watch it in full on Iplayer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    I didn't see it, but some of the greatest & most creative minds in recent history have been sufferers from depression.

    Winston Churchill, Spike Milligan, Brian Wilson, Harrison Ford, J.K.Rowling, to name a few.

    The opinions stated above are the personal opinions of the writer, and not intended to offend or denigrate any opinions held by anyone else.

    I think it's kinda funny, I think it's kinda sad,
    The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

  4. #4
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    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    Mate, Harrison Ford ain't no great mind

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    I missed it, is there anywhere it can be watched at a later date, eg download on inrernet?

    Please bear with me, Ill be back for good soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?


    I watched it.
    And damn bloody good for him, its raising awareness and thats always got to be good.

    I dont know about you but i had all of us here in mind whilst watching it.

    di xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    Thanks david,,, ill look now

    Please bear with me, Ill be back for good soon.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    The programme was very good, very interesting viewing for us types. I see this man in a whole new light now.

    We want more of this on television to raise awareness. Marcus Trescothic was on Radio 5 Live a few weeks ago talking about his anxiety and depression and he described it all in such great detail. Awareness must be raised about anxiety and depression there is not enough of it on television. How about we send some kind of a letter requesting more of these sort of programmes - we could send it from ALL the members of NMP.
    Colchester Essex

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?

    missed this, but i have seen him talking before about his breakdown, and i read an article about marcus trescothic in the paper which also went into great detail, and was like reading about myself and most ppl on nmp.

    i think the first thing to tackle is sufferers own embarrassment and judgemental thoughts about their own condition - im not suggesting that ppl arent harsh on sufferers but i also think we ourselves are at times our own worst enemies and that really what difference does it make what anybody else thinks of us? like others have pointed out there are loads of successful sufferers. anxiety and depression are different although they can be suffered simultaneously. however if you suffer from an anxiety disorder without depression you are much less likely to suffer from depression in the future, but having depressiojn can cause intense anxiety. the problem of depression occurs when someone is constantly judging themselves, and it becomes more and more automatic the more bouts youve had and the longer youve suffered - so for me, i am highly motivated to find ways of stopping myself from becoming depressed - i have come to see this myself in the last couple of years, but i have also bought some brill books about mindfulness which says exactly the same thing, i would like to say to everyone that i think the future of depression treatment will be mindfulness based, and i think from personal experience it could be the best thing for depression sufferers, and i know that others on nmp also advocate it. and i would say that if you are now in recovery please look into getting yourself some mindfulness books - i can recommend mine if anybody wants to know what they are -so you can prevent a relapse in the future and possibly/probably cure yourself of depression for once and all

  10. #10
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Did anyone just watch the prog on Alistair Campbell's breakdown/depression?


    I missed it too (Peter Kaye took over our telly last night!)

    Anyway, just listened to him and ruby on the bbc website, i always think its good for mental health awareness when celebrities tell the storys on tv.

    Heres the link for the Ruby interview if anyones interested.

    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

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