Quote Originally Posted by diane07 View Post
I dont know about you but i had all of us here in mind whilst watching it.

di xx
Yes mate so did I.

It doesn't so much matter if it's depression or anxiety that forms the base of your problems because both are debilitating and like he says each of our stories is individual to us.

Bless him for wanting to be able to blame it on drink - I wanted to blame my thyroid but no it is part of my personal makeup and my response to too many stressors or 'life'. I guess at first we want something concrete to blame it on then we can hope if we give up said concrete all will go back to normal.

I have now begun to accept that this is part of me and by that I don't mean I bow my head in resignation and martyr about it I just accept that it is part of my genetic makeup - like my big blue eyes and splendid bottom (not lol)!!

My goal these days is managing my anxiety rather than avoiding it I am also in full agreement with Emmas about mindfulness or living in the moment and can thouroughly recommend the author Cheri Huber for some good books. We do indeed only have the moment we are actually in this exact second that we have any control over - so it makes sense to keep your attention right on it - not the past and not the future!!

If you can do this with three quarters of your brain and just leave the last quarter for the necessary forward planning that we all have to do at least some of then you will be half way there.

Love Piglet