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Thread: propranolol advice please xx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    propranolol advice please xx

    hi i was given this yesterday to help with my attacks 10mg 3 times a day ive just had my first tablet can they make you feel a bit sick and a bit strange,or is that a panic attack coming on ?i feel like i going to have one but its no happening if that makes sense its like the symptoms are in the back ground.i was given them as i was on diazepam 5mg for one week 3 times a day but i only needed one hes given me 7 for emergencys only as he said they wont keep giving them to me and that they would have to stop at some point i feel like i have butterflys in my stomach aswell, how do these tablets work advice very much needed thankxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Quote Originally Posted by charlish74 View Post
    hi i was given this yesterday to help with my attacks 10mg 3 times a day ive just had my first tablet can they make you feel a bit sick and a bit strange,or is that a panic attack coming on ?i feel like i going to have one but its no happening if that makes sense its like the symptoms are in the back ground.i was given them as i was on diazepam 5mg for one week 3 times a day but i only needed one hes given me 7 for emergencys only as he said they wont keep giving them to me and that they would have to stop at some point i feel like i have butterflys in my stomach aswell, how do these tablets work advice very much needed thankxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Propranolol is the only medication that I have had no real horrid effects from. I've been on it a while and I don't really notice anything negative. I DO, however, believe that it eases the actual attacks i.e. it slows your heartrate, therefore you don't have full blown ones.

    I think "maybe" you are just worried/scared of something you haven't taken before.

    Give them a little time, I swear by them and I hate medication and have had helllish experiences with 3 types of anti d's (after just one tab).

    Oh and 3 x 10 is not a high does, the max is 180 per day I believe. Try what you've been given, they may up the dose. I am now on the one x 80 slow release.
    You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Hi there. I also take propranolol 80mg slow release at one pill a day. They have worked very well for my anxiety, but they can affect your digestion a little by making you feel a bit nauseous and maybe a little looser motions. They can also make you feel a bit bloated, but you can always take ant-acids alongside of propranolol without any problems and this works great for me.

    But I do also think that giving them 3 times a day might make any stomach discomfort worse. The doc told me it just makes for peaks and troughs with the dosage, whereas if you take one slow release, its in your system much more evenly.


  4. #4
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    Sep 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    I agree Cathy, only been on the 80 slow release for 3 days and I've noticed it's a little better

    Hi by the way
    You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Hi there natural mystic

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    hi thankyou for your possitive advice i was worried about side effects ect it has made me a bit sleepy only taken one today i was going to only take one in the morning and one at nite to see how i go and only have the 3rd if i needed it but ive taken calms hebal tablets seems to have worked today i was worried when the doctor said they slow your heart down i was scared in case it stopped daft i know x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    s are they a slow release tablet forgot to ask they worked within about 40 mins xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Quote Originally Posted by charlish74 View Post
    i was worried when the doctor said they slow your heart down i was scared in case it stopped daft i know x
    Me too but they wouldn't give them if that was the case.
    You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time

  9. #9

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Hello i also take propranolol 40mg. I started taking them once a day then about 7 weeks ago went upto twice a day, then the last week while i had a hell of a time on holiday 3 times a day think thia may have caused me not to sleep.

    I now want to stop taking them all together. Only on one once a day but really freak myself out taking them took it two hours ago and now sat here worrying if i have done the right thing.

    Keep thinking it can not harm me as been on them for three months and have been taking them 3 times a day.

  10. #10

    Re: propranolol advice please xx

    Hi there.
    I was prescribed them a year ago, but stubbornly I decided not to take them because I do a lot a sport and I thought they would slow me up.
    However my anxiety was just getting worse so I went to see a different doctor who put my mind at rest about the propranolol.

    I do feel a little nauseous sometimes and it definately slows my heart up. I guess this is the propranolol slowing the rate of adrenaline getting to the heart.

    Most importantly though, is that they do seem to take the edge off my anxiety and I can still run and cycle as normal. I am on quite a low dose though. 20mg a day.

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