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Thread: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

  1. #1

    15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Hi all, i came across this site whilst googling Zispiin. I am 48yrs old and have suffered for about 10yrs with depression and diagnosed 3yrs ago with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    I have to also care for my 15yr old son who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 4yrs ago.

    Ive been struggling with very low moods for a while and my GP has now changed my meds from 60mg Cymbalta to 15mg Zispin. At times I just want to give up completely.

    I took my first pill last night, slept like a log, felt fuzzy and off balance all day and then had really bad anger outbursts in the early evening!

    Has anyone else had this effect so early on! Im also worried about weight gain! Im not very active due to the ME (havent got lots of energy to spare)
    Sorry if im asking too many questions,
    hugs to all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!


    I've just been changed to Mirtazapine 15mg, started on tuesday this week.

    Not so sure about the anger thing but I have been sleeping better (part of the reason why the doc prescibed this med) but I have definitely been drowsy (or "dopey" as my boyfriend describes it) during the day.

    On wednesday (1st day after taking tab before bed) I was sleeping on and off throughout the day, didn't move from the sofa! Felt guilty every time I fell asleep cos I knew I should have been up and doing something. I also feel like I'm being really slow. Even typing this is trickier than usual!!

    Maybe the anger thing is just cos you do feel drowsy and your not resting/sleeping enough?! I know myself that when I am tired I get ratty and agitated. Just a thought!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!


    I'm worried about weight gain too cos I've put weight on since being on Citalopram and I know it can be a side effect of Mirtazapine too!! I haven't been motivated enough to go to the gym for over a month now but I'm aiming to try and go next week....

    I'm trying not to think about it too much though and will just try to take care and watch what i eat.

    Just remember that different people get different side effects so it might not happen to you!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    I've been on it for years. Never experienced the anger. The daytime drowsiness stopped for me after a few weeks - great that it still helps me get to sleep after all this time. I did gain some weight at the start but it was an increase in appetite rather than anything else. I'm also on Lithium which increases weight. I go on the premise that I'd rather be a few pounds over and not depressed or anxious, than thin and miserable. Give it a few weeks and if you're still concerned go back to your doctor.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Hi there glad you found the forum Twinks. I have taken mirtazapine for a year and have recently come off it.It worked well with improving my low mood paranoia and sleeplessness. The lower doses seem to be more sedating but the excessive sleepiness during the day will wear off. I am afraid that I'm another person who has experienced severe weight gain about a stone and a half which I still need to shift. I also take combined meds lithium and prothiaden and these have not contributed to my weight gain. My psychiatrist has recently told me to keep track of my moods. You might find it helpful to write down how you feel from day to day and the show it to your doctor. I expect that you will be having a follow up appointment with him/her.

  6. #6

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Been having depressive/anxiety problems for many years now. All came to a head about 2 months ago and the CMH crisis team stepped in.

    My Psychiatrist decided that I should try Mirtazapine (it being one of the few treatments left I hadn't tried).

    Started the treatment at 30mg daily 4 weeks ago, while weaning off of Duloxatine . I was warned of a period of "feeling worse before feeling better" so was prepared for a bit of a rough ride. What I wasn't prepared for was the irritability and sudden bursts of anger. Flying into raging tantrums over small things - I am a very easy going joe normally. Picking fault and sniping at those around me and Throwing things in fits of temper. It worried me very much as you can imagine.

    I contacted my GP after 2 weeks, who suggested increasing the dosage to 45mg. If any thing it seems to have made me even worse. I should balance this by telling you that this behaviour aside my partner says she has seen some positive changes in me - more energy better mood, but to be honest the trade off hardly seems worth it as the temper and agitation is horrible - not to mention the guilt afterwards.

    I have recently been advised to take Diazepam (5mg twice daily) to try and control this in the hope that these undesirable rages will subside soon when hopefully I will stabilize on the medication.

    So we wait and see... I'll post in a couple of weeks to let you know how it went - here's praying for the best!
    Last edited by Damo; 08-08-10 at 21:48. Reason: spelling error

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Hi Damo,

    To be honest I am really surprised your GP increased your dosage as soon as that, especially with the anger etc you have been having. I was snapping alot and jumping down peoples throats when I first started taking mirtazipine even at 15mg, but it did settle down and I am over that was a very difficult time for my poor hubby who is so understanding and supportive towards me he really did not deserve it!! I would realise what I was doing but just couldn't help it...he was so patient with me. I know it did get him down at times but he never let me see that.

    Like with you the positivities with the meds far out-weighed the anger etc...I found I gained weight too, which I now find is stressing me but am trying to deal with it.

    I hope the meds settle down for you soon and hope you feel the benefit more as you already seem to be heading in the right direction.

    Take care and let us know how you get on.


  8. #8

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    I've suffered from depression fr over 22 years on and off and my Dr gave me these to try as I wasn't sleeping too well either, I found it a horrible drug to take, suffered from felling so drowsy in the mornings, really dry mouth, very sore tongue, but the worst was the anger, how my boyfriend stood by me I really don't know, I was snapping at everyone and my appetite was so increased, needless to say I have stopped taking it and will need to go back to the Drs, when I can get an appointment. My head is still feeling fuzzy now and I've been up for 5 hours. Not one I'll ever want prescribed again!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Hi all, yes I completely understand the angry outbursts
    . I started on 15mg early in March and they started pretty much straight away. Normally I am easy going and don't let other people and their attitudes get under my skin. Not now! Even the smallest things sets me off. I saw someone cycling wearing a cycle helmet too far back on their head. I nearly called out to them. Definitely none of my business. Luckily I didn't but I felt angry and irritable for hours: ridiculous! I am also snappy with family and friends.
    I have also gained weight (fluid?) . My rings are tight and my fingers feel swollen. The Mirt has also mademe feel much worse. I'm fed up with the "worse before better" mantra. I rang and spoke to my psychiatrist who suggested increasing the dose again to 45mg. I declined. I want to get off them and see if there is anything else which might help. Feel like just stopping them which I know isn't sensible. Impulsiveness: another side effect I hate. I have become subsumed by the meds and I HATE it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: 15mg Zispin and Anger!

    Hi, I'm on 45mg...started on 30mg. I had very bad irritability and almost rage in the first month of starting mirtazapine. It has calmed down for me now though. It wasn't a very nice start up side affect as I was so aware of it myself so it then made me feel a bit upset. It did pass for me though.

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