I'm feeling a little better today, and my partner and I will both be away from the flat for most of the week due to work commitments, so hopefully this will give me more time to "calm down" and give the medication (Mitrazapine) more time to bring me down to a nice steady level. I have bought some earplugs though, as I'll be in a hotel for a few nights!

Interestingly, I don't feel anxious about the thought of noise in hotel rooms etc.. because I know any noise issues during the night are temporary, I would just find a noisy neighbour in a hotel room would make me annoyed rather than anxious.

I think it's more of an issue for me that where I live is quiet at night because.. well.. it's where I live. It's obviously turned into a bit of a phobia though, when I'm getting so anxious over people being noisey that I'm experiencing panic attacks.