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Thread: bathroom obsessive

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi. I have a big thing about bathrooms and i hate having to use public ones. Yuck. But i have to grit my teeth and use them otherwise id be having problems. Also i hate using the buses as they are always full of un hygienic people, always wondering who has sat on the seat before me etc etc. Its awful.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    I'm exactly the same i always need to know where the toilets are to.
    My hubby evan starts pointing them out now!

    I could start up a toilet tour around the town Centre! as i know where they all are! I might make some money you never know!

    I always have to go the last minute before i go out as well even if i don't really need to.

    Crazy huh!

    Take care your not alone!

    Love PIP'S X X

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    You are definitely not alone i think because i didn't know why i was having panic attacks i began looking for reasons and i have always had a bit of a toilet thing so i latched onto that and then i began obsessing about it which made it worse. As soon as i began to feel better it seemed to go away, i think it is a feeling of needing to be 'safe'.

    Hope you feel better soon

    Emma x x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Emma

    I have a friend just like you and she wont commit to anything regarding journeys, long shopping trips etc and has being like that for about 7 years, then only last year she started to suffer from panic attacks. Guess it has always being dormant in her but weird how it come out of no where for no reason.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

    "Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Dont stress too much. Use the toilets at your nearest Harvey Nichols as they are always clean. [8D]

    "the truth is out there" frank gallagher, Shameless

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: bathroom obsessive

    Ive not left the house in 7 years due to this fear, Im only 23 and I have missed out on so much due to this fear of loosing control.But I can not prevent the thoughts anymore, which triggers the physical, if only their was some way to stop it, I dont wanna be agoraphobic all my life. Its killing me, but I find it embarrassing to talk about, other then my doctor and I dont think she takes it seriously at all, yet its destroying my life. If you find any solutions let me know! xxx

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: bathroom obsessive

    Quote Originally Posted by Lou17 View Post
    Ive not left the house in 7 years due to this fear, Im only 23 and I have missed out on so much due to this fear of loosing control.But I can not prevent the thoughts anymore, which triggers the physical, if only their was some way to stop it, I dont wanna be agoraphobic all my life. Its killing me, but I find it embarrassing to talk about, other then my doctor and I dont think she takes it seriously at all, yet its destroying my life. If you find any solutions let me know! xxx
    CBT, is good for this. It helps you to cope with your irrational fears. And to relax you more, so you are less anxious.

    Is on "the journey"

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: bathroom obsessive

    This is a very interesting post, thanks for bringing this issue up.

    Although I don't consider myself to have a bathroom obsession, I have a very real fear that when I am in one of the situations where I might panic, or indeed when I am panicking I actually believe I will... (err how do I say this nicely??).... soil my trousers!! I think that is where the term "sh**ting yourself" comes from. The fear is always there when I panic, and the need to keep running to the loo before I go places is just beyond belief. I hate it, it is embarrassing to talk about never mind to experience. I really loathe this symptom of anxiety and panic.

    In the past I have had to rush out of places because I have thought I needed the loo, to find that I don't when I get there. I am totally unable to relax my bum incase I have an accident, and sometimes I only have to smell car exhaust fumes (you know the eggy ones) and believe I have ... err...had an accident in the bowel dept. Sorry too much info but it is real, it is horrible.

    I really do sympathise with you all.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: bathroom obsessive

    No its not too much information, I must admit I get very embaressed when talking about it but after so long Im starting to think that Im not anymore. I do belive that the intense feelings stemmed from the symptoms of a panic attack, and obviously feeling that fear of actually doing so from either It installed a permenant fear in my mind. So Im constantly on alert in case it happens, Im fine at home, but I dont go Out anywhere because of it. Everyone tells me I should just go out, what would be so bad if it did happen? But I just cant I'd feel ashamed of myself. I have no idea how to beat this, its been 7 -8 years, I dont want this to last forever, its taking away my youth.

  10. #20

    Re: bathroom obsessive


    I suffer with this symptom - I use the loo lots before going out too far afield, when I get to a place I go straight to the loo. At the moment I panic when driving along a motorway because I don't know when the next toilet will pop I try to stick to country roads's really difficult to cope with, I've never discussed this with anyone before.

    When I'm building up to an attack my stomache goes mad.....feels like I need to just sit on the loo...because I get this sensation my panic is heightened and the loo anxiety thing increases too...what a nightmare - I am so glad that there are others who have this problem to! :-)

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