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Thread: alone for christmas again

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: alone for christmas again

    yvonne - I didn't mean to mislead you. I have posted messages on here before but all under other peoples threads. This is the first thread I've started. Your directness made me smile!

    Thanks for the flowers Starsky!

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words.

    It's 9.25am and I've run out of junk food because I ate it all yesterday...... there is a garage open across the road from me and I know they sell Ben & Jerrys ice-cream......I'm tempted but am going to try not to.
    I've lost 2 stone over the last year and don't really want to put it all back on again!

    I'm ignoring the fact that New years eve is coming up. I'm 38 and have never been to a New years Eve party. How sad is that! people say they are boring but I'd like to find out for myself!

    Take care and thanks again for your support.
    Have a wonderful christmas

    Bunty xx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Bunty

    I just wanted to post to say I think you are very brave and to give you a hug

    A few years ago I was in your situation. I used to go to my Dad's every year on Christmas Day just to be insulted, put down and generally made to feel bad. I went because I felt sad about being on my own on Christmas Day. Then one year a couple of months before Christmas I had to make the decision to walk away from my family for the state of my mental and emotional health.

    So I then spent a couple of Christmas Days alone and I feel for you being on your own today. I think you are very brave making plans to treat yourself and make the most of the day anyway. I just used to wallow in feeling alone and depressed

    Then the past two years I was in hospital over Christmas, last year being the worst year ever really. I have an eating disorder and I was in hospital for 3 months.

    Anyway, this year my best friend has asked me to spend the day with her and her family. Her children (aged 5 and 2) are so excited about Christmas that this is the first one I think I will enjoy in a long time.

    I have social phobia too, so I understand it is hard to make new friends but not impossible.

    I've never been to a New Year's Eve party ever so you are not alone there!

    I wish you all the best for today and just want to say to you not to give up hope. Come on here if you need some company, as there is always someone posting and I hope you enjoy your treats.

    Hugs to you

    Karen xx

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: alone for christmas again

    Thanks Karen.

    It sounds like you are braver than me. You have a lot to deal with.
    It will be lovely with your friend especially, as you say, due to the age of her children. Once they are in bed in the evening I suggest playing cards.
    It's a lovely wind down to the day (it's what I used to do when I had somewhere to go at christmas)

    Thanks again

    Bunty x x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: alone for christmas again

    Hi Bunty,
    I just want to wish a a happy peaceful Christmas and send you some hugs.
    Sometimes its better we arent with family at Christmas. Why the act cus of one day?

    i know the feeling about families causing great pain.
    Friends have been a Godsend to me.
    Just get over today and Im sure you will be feeling loads better.
    Its only one day after all.
    Take care
    LYNN xx

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , cry and ? .....
    you need a bog roll. lol

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: alone for christmas again


    I laughed so much I hurt my throat.....

    the first Ben & Jerrys I ever had was phish food...yummy....

    I didn't have a new years eve party but my neighbours kept me awake until 4.30am...does that count??
    at 2pm the following day I decided to lay some laminate floor. My neighbours ex wife was kicking my front door throwing abuse at me......aparently she may have had a hang over......he he (she is permanently drunk anyway so I'm surprised she gets to the hangover...)

    feeling better now it's all over.

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