Hi Sarah-Jane.

I was recently put on Escitalopram and the first 4 days were hell. I had similar symptoms to yours minus the shaking legs - I did have shaking hands though.

I've got a post on this page which I'm going to add to today if you want to look deeper into my experience with it.

I was determined to stop taking them but my doctor talked me out of it. Curiously the next day the effects started to subside. I had to increase the dosage from 5 to 10 mg and that made the tiredness and dopiness come back but not as bad as before. I've been taking them every day for about 3 weeks now and practically all the side effects have gone.

So it's true what the doctors say - the bad effects do disappear completely. I'm sure this happens in most but not all cases, so see how you go and keep talking it over with your physician.