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Thread: citalopram

  1. #281
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by lucylocket View Post
    hi everyone, hope you continue to have a good day Bob, I had a headache all night and this morning felt like i have got a fever, i am thinking it could be dehydration as i don't think i drink enough, had 2 cups of tea and took meds this morning but still feel not with it. take care lucy
    LUCY! Drink & eat little and often - you know the drill.. even if you don't feel like it really does help

    I took my meds - had the angsty rush an hour later for an hour or so and feeling not bad now. Edging forward I think. I'm not going to count my chickens but...getting there

  2. #282

    Re: citalopram

    I think I am getting there too. Third day of 10mg. Still feel blooming pants and my eczema is on the blink now too. However I am not anxious like I was yesturday. I've also noticed, like many others, that after about 2pm I feel a lot better. I spend the day looking forward to those few hours when I feel better before I drop the next bomb!

  3. #283

    Re: citalopram

    Hi my name is luce and am new to this site.
    i just started taking citalopram 10mg 2 weeks ago, i have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks before and this med has worked from me. me and my partner wanted to start a family so i came off gradually over 3 months with doctors advice!! had i known then what i know now i wouldnt of bothered!
    i started with panic attacks again at the beg of Jan and have been advised to start meds which i have. i had anxiety related sympyoms but they have got worse not better since starting the med. i dont remember feeling like this last time.
    anxiety does not leave me, i have a sense of unreality, butterflies in my tummy, tension in neck shoulders, which is causing chest and back pain and it causes a numbing sensation in my tongue and i cant feel it when i talk etc.. i have read thet this is a symptom of anxiety and know it is as it does disappear at times when i am relaxed but it is very disturbing.
    at this moment in time i am so tense and anxious.

    went to my doc last night and he said he had not mentioned that it does get worse before it gets better and that it represents the med is starting to work. how long does this last? i am so down about it, i am not finding it easy to leave the house especially on my own, i have been signed off work. my partner isnt sympathetic but says he is there for me, he gets annoyed if i repeat myself. is ther light at the end of the tunnel?
    i can so relate to sara i hope you are well x
    Last edited by luce1981; 17-02-09 at 12:56. Reason: wanted to add something

  4. #284
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: citalopram

    Yes, of course there is light at the end of the tunnel! I am on day 28 of taking it and while I haven't banished all the symptoms of anxiety and side effects of Citalopram, and yes it can be a bumpy and seemingly, slow ride. But if I look back at the first two weeks of taking it it is much much more managable. Your Dr is right and you don't really start to feel the benefits until 4 weeks +. Its not a sprint. If you can tell yourself its the meds retraining your brain and try and ride it through.You will find lots of good folk on here to give good advice which will give your partner a bit of a break. My wife is brilliant and patient but she does have to listen to me lots!

  5. #285

    Re: citalopram

    Thanks Bob, just to have some relief from the anxiety would be better than i feel at this moment in time! i have the comforting thought that this med has previously worked for me....
    Have you taken citalopram before?
    i hope your having a good day

  6. #286
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: citalopram

    I can relate to your feelings too luce. I'm having a rubbish day and my anxiety is right up again. Just had HR on the phone from work (as I've been off over 2 months now) and they are going to come and visit me on 27th. I am worried now about what they will say! am reduced to tears again. I am trying to be positive but I think I have become used to thinking in such a pessimistic way

  7. #287

    Re: citalopram

    hi, i hope all are having a good day.
    like you sara i am also worried about work although they have been pretty supportive so far. i am just so up and down like yourself.
    i woke up feeling pants yesterday then i forced myself to get on with things in house.
    my doctor had recommended i exercise to use up the chemicals(adrenaline.etc..) as i do this for a living i know the benefits of exericse but its so hard to motivate yourself when you are feeling physically and emotionally rubbish.
    i forced myself to do 30 mins of moderate cycling and for the first time in a while i felt great. i actually left the house and went to my local co-op, its not too far and not very big but felt really good for achieving this
    my anxiety levels started to rise again by the evening and i have woken up with raised tension and anxiety( jaw clenched and aching,bad tummy,numb tongue, saw achy neck and shoulders). i am going to try exercising again today.
    let me know how you are feeling.

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Red face Re: citalopram

    I wake up every day and feel anxious. I loathe it. I try to busy myself but I am not a morning person so this 'goes against the grain' if you know what I mean?! Quite panicky today too which I don't like 1 bit.
    I think Bob made a good comment when he likened improving to 'a jog and not a sprint'. Only problem is I feel like my feet are glued to the bloody starting blocks. Then again there is the story of the tortoise and the hare isn't there?!? Mmmm.....
    I am fed up of torturing myself with stupid 'what if's' , thinking negatively and worrying about things that are unlikely to happen all the blooming time's like the tourettes symdrome of anxiety!!! THIS is definitely worse now since I started taking citalopram.

  9. #289

    Re: citalopram

    I also wake up with anxiety as soon as i open my eyes i feel it in my tummy, my neck, shoulders and have thoughts.
    I cant get myself out of bed until lunchtime, i think to myself the less of the day i have to feel like this the better!
    Am sure you feel like me that if you were better you would never take anything for granted again, even the smallest of things in life.
    its so hard to enjoy anything at the moment.
    i can vouch for the medication working for me last time i took it, everybody is different in terms of how long it takes to have effect. all i think about is how i would be without it, although i am worse now i still have hope that things will be better soon.
    things will be for you too

  10. #290
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Thumbs down Re: citalopram

    Hi everyone, I feel exactly the same as you reallyfedup and luce, as soon as i wake up i feel anxiety and the "what ifs" / negative thinking and feeling not with it is really getting me down . Didn't have this when i first started on my meds. I am starting my 6th week today, just hoping i dont have to go up in dose again!!!!!!! take care lucy

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