I changed from Clomipramine because although it was the most effective at controlling the anxiety symptoms (I was able to do things I'd never done in all my life), I got: tachycardia which felt awful; tremor which led me to give myself a black eye on the edge of a doorframe and made it impossible to use a computer.
Lofepramine is, I would say, about 70% as effective as Clomipramine with regard to the social anxiety and depression symptoms I have had for many years. But it allows me to lead a 'normal' life, job, family, friends. Things I had not believed were possible for me. Together these drugs have totally changed my view of myself and my own capacities and I can only say that that is worth any amount of side-effects, and if I hadn't found the Lofepramine a good compromise I would have stuck with Clomipramine. But it takes several weeks before you really notice the good effects--at first, it's all bad.