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Thread: Living with someone with SA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Living with someone with SA

    Hiya all
    Tiz me again . I'm after some advice and hoping someone might be able to help. John (my partner), suffers with sa and agoraphobia. Now he is getting over the agoraphobia (sorry if spelt wrong lol) he's gone back to work after a gap of 9 years which that alone is pretty good going and i'm proud of him for it. But as some of you are aware we're getting married end of may and he is now stressing about having to be in the room, taking vows etc etc in front of everyone. He says it makes him feel physically sick just thinking about it. I have always been aware that he has trouble communicating at times, i've seen him sit there and shake with sweat pouring off him. But as hard as i've tried to get him to get some help he just won't and says that he'll get over it in time. Is SA something that does just go away or does he need professional/medical help? Would be grateful of any advice.
    Take care

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya Tracy

    I don't know if this will help atall or not but try this article on my website ....

    I think like a lot or phobias it involves practice and exposure so the more he does it the easier it gets.

    CBT may help too though.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks for that link Nicola, the line below says it all really, i guess all i can do is be there for him as and when he needs me.

    Working with agoraphobia, the first rule is that the sufferer is in charge of their recovery. If they say they can't do something, we may try to persuade them and also discuss the problem but the decision is theirs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Tracy

    SA can go at some point in adult life or things just become easier.

    I'm getting married next year and i too dread having to be in the registry office with people listening to me. It's very frustrating because i want it to be the happiest day of my life as i'm sure your partner does too for both of you. I've recently had CBT and it helped a little but my fear remains. so i'm going back to the docs about it.

    I take beta blockers when i am going to be in a certain situation that i find difficult (like meetings) and they take away the trembling, racing heart, etc. They do help me get through the situation. Before i went on to beta blockers i was unable to talk without trembling and i would shake terribly.

    It's good you're standing by your partner and supporting him..he needs lots of support. I try not to burden my partner with it so tend to suffer in silence.


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