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Thread: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    hi bluedaisy,just read your post,im sorry your feeling down,its stressful when you move house,i think sometimes we all get down and think thats it im never going to get better but then from somewhere you get the strenth to carry on and fight it,but if you are really really low then you need to get help or even just talk out your problems to someone,how are you feeling today ?
    you can pm me just for a chat or even just for a moan because we all need to have a big moan sometimes its good to let it out.
    tanya 1 x

  2. #12

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    Thanks for everyone's replies.

    I'm feeling a little better today. Decided not to beat myself up about things today, I'm re-reading a favourite book and trying to stop thinking about everything and just trying to relax a bit. I still keep crying a lot though and feel overwhelmed just contemplating the housework etc etc. But things seem a little bit less bleak than they seemed yesterday.

  3. #13

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    I'm glad you are feeling a bit better today - I think crying is good, as is reading a good book - I was going to add in my last post that you deserve to really treat yourslef for everything you have already achieved.
    Best Wishes and keep in touch

  4. #14

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    This situation bites ass :( I too am agoraphobic but I somehow manage to still run my life - but very expensivly as I can only travel in a taxi!
    The only advise I can give you is of course the gradual exposure! Just a walk to the garden gate everyday for a week would be amazing! I hate when people used to patronise me and just say ok we will walk to the end of the road and back because I'd always think DAM IT i'm more then this, i'm not here to live a life of walking to the end of the road and back but it did help in the end. Good luck, ur GP is crap can u not ask for a different DR, at the same surgory?

    Sammy x

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    I too have found that gp's are not willing to help us, at a time when you need them, there simply not there! I had to go private too but its so expensive.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    Sounds like your doc is way past his sell by date if this is his attitude! ditch him for a start!! Have you looked to see if there are any hypnotherapists in your area? this is without doubt the most effective way of changing the way you feel. One that also does NLP (neuro linguistic programming) would be good, it's a good combo!
    Avoid meds if you can, this is not the way to go! you have to remember that this is just a learned behavior (albeit inadvertantly!) and what you learn, you can unlearn! docs are usually out of their depth with this, all they mostly know is "MEDICATE"
    go to for a list of good ones, don't be afraid to try one or two as some are beter with certain conditions than others.
    This stuff works, it's easy and very effective, all you have to do is commit to it. CBT is too slow for me to consider it a viable treatent for me to use as a therapy treatment, I use Hypnotherapy/NLP because it gets the job done!
    Any of you, Feel free to contact me if you'd like!
    Last edited by PHOBIA MAN; 16-02-09 at 04:36. Reason: amendment

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    Phobia Man - I used to have hypnotherapy and found it very relaxing. I initially went to get me back on a plane as I hate flying and I did manage a flying with confidence course following the treatment.

    I then carried on having it for panic attacks and although I loved the sessions it never actually cured the panic. After a session I felt invincible but then the feelings creep back slowly unless you keep at it.

    It is also very expensive if you are short of money. I paid about £35 a session and this was about 8 years ago so I am not sure how expensive it is now. Not everyone has that sort of money to fork out each week to be honest.

    I went on to do CBT and found this very challenging and it really helped me with my driving issues and I made great progress. Yes it is hard work and you have to do the "homework" but it does really help.

    I think what works for one person doesn't work for another and people have to try a variety of therapies and settle with the one they feel most comfortable with and above all the one that works!

    The other thing is to make sure you get someone who's voice you like. I had a session at a health farm once and just couldn't relax at all as the woman's voice really grated on my nerves. So I suggest you talk to the hypnotherapist before booking a session so you are sure you can put up with their accent/tone of voice etc.
    Last edited by nomorepanic; 17-02-09 at 11:32.

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  8. #18

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    Thanks for replies.

    I've been very up and down since I last posted, but I feel like I've got passed the 'end it all' phase thanks to support from a couple of people on here.

    I haven't managed to start doing anything in terms of getting back to tackling the agoraphobia. I only have to open the patio door and my head starts to spin - it makes me feel like ****.

    I tried hypnotherapy with two different people in the past, but neither helped me. My anxiety was through the roof during the sessions and I barely managed to concentrate on a word that was said.

    CBT did help me after a long period of sessions, but I didn't get anywhere near to being ok again. As soon as the sessions stopped I regressed very quickly.

    Self-help relies on me getting on with it, and one of the only ways I keep my anx levels managable is not to challenge myself, so i'm too scared to start the process of trying again as I don't want to be back in an anxiety hell 24/7.

    I really do feel like I won't ever get better.

    Anyone else ever just tried accepting a housebound life and building up as much of a life from home as possible?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Agoraphobia so much worse, soz long post

    Hi Bluedaisy..

    I also moved house about 18months ago.. I sort of thought that a new environment/change would help me, but in the back of my mind I was scared that being 30miles away from my friends and family would make it all worse.. and I was right. Last year I suffered with an ectopic pregnancy, which resulted in health anxiety into the bargain of already having panic attacks and agoraphobia!

    I am on the waiting list for CBT but Im also worried about the fact its going to push me on a daily basis.. and while I know I need to do it in order to get better, I also know it will more than likely make me quite ill.. Im already really run down with it all after just 5 years of it, it now takes days to recover from a full blown panic attack.. so Im worrying there'll be no restbite for me when I start CBT and will probably feel like death everyday!!

    I dont think accepting a housebound life is a way to go at all.. you need your life back. Even if just sitting by the patio door with it just cracked open is a start.. just build up slowly from there and see where you go. Im no expert, I cant say I did X and Im now well.. Im struggling myself and have so many fears and worries.. I just wanted you to know youre not alone and that some of the things youve written couldve come from me!

    Feel free to PM me for a chat

    BTW.. it also doesnt help that I dont have a single friend or family member where I live now.. before they were all 5mins away pretty much.. Do you have friends where you live now? Perhaps they could help you?

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