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  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , USA.
    You can add me to the list! I never had it the last 2 times I battled anxiety but this was the first symptom of my panic attacks this go round. It started as a poping or clicking feeling everytime I would swallow or turn my head a certain way. Then it began to feel like a lump in my throat. I started freaking out that I had cancer in my neck I would often want to pull the skin of my throat out some so that I could breathe better. I also had Alot of problems swallowing especially liquids and even though I wouldn't choke I would come close. I even thought I had Rabies for a while LOL.... The thing that helped me get through it alot was belly breathing where you breathe in from the nose and out through the mouth and expand and contract your stomach. it makes those muscles loosen up alot

    worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , Australia.
    Hi there,

    It was so amazing to read your stories. I have had a terrible time with Globus hystericus. I have just come through a period of dealing with it intensly for a whole year. It was hell!!! It consumed my life, my thoughts, drove me crazy. Then I decided not to care so much anymore and addressed some of the personal issues I was unhappy with in my life. And suddenly, although my life is still a train wreak, the globus hystericus is not such a big prblem anymore. But I realise that its something that will continually come back throughout my life... But hopefully not soon.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mickey,

    Thanks for your message.

    I'm glad it's not such a big problem for you anymore. Mine comes and goes to. I think it's just all part of anxiety etc... Acceptance is the key. Just not always easy to do huh!

    Take Care,

    Love Pip's X X


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    i cant eat out no more because am embarrsed incase i start panicking while am eating. i feel like i cant swallow because i feel like i cant breath when i try to, does anyone else get this?
    i really want to eat out with my boyfriend or family but i cant and i have to stay in. Thing is i dont feel like am choking when i eat on my own just when theres people around me[:X]:(

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , Australia.

    I have some problems eating too. It was especially bad when the globus first started - I was afraid of choking AND I was afraid I'd have some allergic reation to the food (even though I've never had an allergic reaction in my life).I lived on toast. I just started small, you know, like testing the food, small bites, small portions. Things aren't perfect now, a year later, but I can eat out a bit. I'm still very picky.
    On a slightly different topic, Has anyone else developed OCD with their globus and anxiety?


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , USA.
    Just in case it's *not* anxiety, I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in: I get the lump-in-throat thing when I drink Peach flavoured "Snapple" iced tea. It's almost more like a pimple on my throat - just annoying and a bit frightening. It took me quite some time to realized that it was a reaction to a food, so while it probably is just anopther miserable symptom of anxiety, it might be worth examining your diet when it happens.

    Good luck to you!


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I just made a post about this cos I am freaking about it.

    I haven't ever had it before which is why I am worried. :( It started when I was on antibiotics for a pelvic infection and ever since then it hasn't gone away and I'm convinced there's something wrong with me. I'm hopinh it is anxiety and it passes. Before I pass out!

    Hope it eases soon petal,it's horrid xxxxx
    *Your eyes are crying the tears of an angel..your heart is breaking by the work of a devil*

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