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Thread: A scared post from a scared girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    A scared post from a scared girl

    Right, basically I'm a health anxious, insecure, phobic, paranoid...panic attack prone 19 year old.

    Ever since I can remember I have been an anxiety prone person. I get the the point where I can't breathe sometimes and I worry so much about my health.
    Currentley (if people have seen my other post) I think I have contracted HIV...I am a regular visitor at my GP and have always thought since a young age that I am dying of cancer or some other dreadful disease.

    I cant concentrate on my work...I'm a student at university and I want to become a journalist but at the back of my mind I keep thinking whats the point, I won't ever reach even my middle age...currentley I'm thinking that I will have HIV so I wont be able to even get to that stage!

    I'm so scared of everything. I am not at all confident around people. And I'm living away from home, with friends. Thankfully only for a few more months and its driving me insane.
    I've suffered from seperation anxiety all my life and have home-sickness alot.

    I find it difficult to have relationships with guys...I have had a few boyfriends but I always end up pushing them away because they feel stifled by me. I get too intense.

    Please help me! Its ruining my life. And I'm only 19 I thought these were supposed to be the best years of my life!
    I need to stop over-analyising

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: A scared post from a scared girl


    That's not a good situation at all, my heart goes out to you. You do have your whole life ahead of you and these years are where you set the groundwork for your life ahead in something you want to do. Please don't even think about throwing it away because of what may lay ahead. As equally as what bad things may happen in the future good things can happen too. If we give up because it may not work out then we would never get anywhere. Hold on to what is dear to you and the life you want in your future years as these are the important things.

    Your anxious thinking is obviously a problem. What has your GP suggested? If you are not getting anywhere with your GP then ask he GP to point you in the direction of someone who can help. There is something out there that will work for you so if you have to be pushy then do so to get it.

    All the best, I wish you well for the future


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: A scared post from a scared girl

    Hugs. Now the good news is you are only 19 and you can change and improve your life and get a handle of the anxiety. Talk to your GP as Nechtan says. See the University councellors for help. Look on here at the therapies discussed and see what you'd like to try out to help you on the road to a happier life. Don't be defeated because it is a battle that feels endless but you can have a happier life.

    I hope you are feeling calmer today. Don't be scared. I know it feels like a lonely isolated existence. It is so painful and feels so hopeless. But honestly you can get a contented life but you have to get some support and does not make you weak/pathetic or any other negative word you might think of. You just some help.

    Anyway - the best years of your life are in your 30's !!!! I think I was totally screwed up in my late teens to enjoy being a teen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: A scared post from a scared girl

    Oops duplicate post !
    Last edited by samc100; 15-03-09 at 22:02. Reason: Duplicated my post

  5. #5

    Re: A scared post from a scared girl

    It sounds to me like you have Obsessional Disorder. Which is the same as OCD without "the C" meaning instead of performing irrational rituals you have irrational thoughts instead.

    You can beat this with a combination of CBT and or meds, such as Sertraline.

    I would go and see a Dr ASAP.

    You can beat this.

  6. #6

    Red face Re: A scared post from a scared girl

    Hey sweety ,
    My heart goes out to you and i guess we both found this site for a reason I understand completly where you come from about the whole situation with thinking something may be or is wrong with you but know that you are not alone you are not the only person going through stuff like this in fact i am two years younger than you and i think that something is wrong with my central nervouse system now i am in the process of finding out from my doctors if there is something wrong with me or not and i am completly terrified ( in fact i am already going through the stages of acceptice death) which is really upsetting to me but know that if there was something completly wrong with you the doctors would tell you they do not keep things from you just to keep things from you they are very good people and are here for a reason i suggest you do not worry about HIV, get tested ( which willl be the most stressful part of your whole ordeal) and know for sure and then when you find out just fer sure if you have it or not now take a deep breath and call up that doctor and ask for the test and when it comes up negitive live your life but with little caution ( meaning tell the next man you have in your life that if it is not to much trouble to take an HIV test ( i didwith my boyfreind and he understood completly why if the next man you are with decides that he's too good for the test whell then honey you are to good for him I will keep you in my prayers and god bless
    Try not to worry
    Spades ~ Clover !

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