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Thread: Citalopram....again!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi everyone,

    Just wondering if in two weeks these tablets will start to take effect? I have only been on citalopram for 1 week, and it has been the worst week i have had for months. So far, 2 panic attacks in a week, and i feel as if i have been setback about 6 months. I just can't see these tablets changing how i feel in another week. It seems mad that you get prescribed something that makes everything worse!

    Sorry to go on, but just feel so defeated before i have even attempted anything again. Any one know what i mean?!

    tracy x x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Tracy, I think you will find this is very common on virtually all of the anti depressants prescribed for anxiety/panic etc. In my experience the first couple of weeks are worse but for most people it gets a lot better after that. Presently im just about to start taking Citalpram for the first time, but previously I was on Seroxet and it was the same thing for the first couple of weeks. Bear with it if you can, its not easy but Im sure you will see some improvement soon. Im struggling with when to start mine as I am very fearful of the side effects and keep putting it off.

    June x

    long term panic/anxiety sufferer, add agroaphobia to that, fed up

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Tracy

    Sorry to hear that you feel worse, its exactly how i felt, i thought i was dying but i had tried so many other tablets i was scared nothing would work, when it was clear i needed some medication to give me a helping hand.

    I reduced my 20 mg dose and took 5mg then 10mg over a couple of weeks and this lessened the side affects. And they did help me loads, im still on them and dont feel strong enough to go it alone as of yet as i am so scared of going back to how i was.

    You will see an improvement after a couple of weeks and i do appreciate how hard it is to get through those couple of weeks, but if they have the same affects as they have had for me, it will be worth it.

    Good luck hon and hope you start feeling better soon.

    Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Citalopram, Cipramil, Escitalopram & Lexapro

    Takes at least 2 weeks if not more.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Tracy
    i was on citalopram for 4 wks and my panics got much worse, i thought it was the side effects now i think it was probably the acute anxiety coming out. my gp precscribed diazepam, until the drug took effect, but i couldnt take it as it made me too spaced out and i have 3 kids to deal with.
    after 4 wks i felt they were not working and went back onto seroxat which i have had luck with before, maybe i rushed into the change of meds and given them time they would of worked i dont know, but when you feel so bad and still have to function on a daily basis you will do anything to feel there has been an improvement
    give the meds time but dont feel scared there will be a med that will work for you, and you will feel better
    take care Longie

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