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Thread: bp test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , Singapore.

    bp test

    I DID My 24 hours bp test and result showed normal fine, below 140/90, no hypertension but doc still ask me to take 25mg antelolol for palpations. but these 3 daysi 've been having dizzy, giddiness, yesterday very bad giddy hit me, doc check my bp it raised to 160/100. but why the 24hr bp showed below 140/90? pls help. hat is wrong with me. i admit last few days igot stress, anxiety.

  2. #2

    Re: bp test

    blood pressure varies during the day.
    if you are anxious it will be higher.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: bp test

    Dont worry alba.

    I am exactly the same, BP would rise with anxiety but over a 24 hour period my average was below 140/90.

    Everyones BP rises with stress or exertion, our bodies are designed to do this.

    It is only a problem when we stay above 140/90 for long periods.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: bp test

    I dont understand how anxiety can have an effect on bp making it rise as I am sure I am one of the most anxious people there are and yet my bp is always lower than 100/60 usually 90/60 and I am also sure the citalopram I am taking is effecting it as I keep feeling dizzy when I stand up from sitting down and when I am walking about.
    Citalopram and me have fallen out at the moment! It was my bestest friend 2 weeks ago!
    I am thinking of buying a blood pressure monitor to keep a check on it. They are not that expensive to buy.
    Last edited by PoppyC; 16-04-09 at 14:26.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , Singapore.

    Re: bp test

    is 24hr bp test accurate?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: bp test

    Quote Originally Posted by PoppyC View Post
    I dont understand how anxiety can have an effect on bp making it rise as I am sure I am one of the most anxious people there are and yet my bp is always lower than 100/60 usually 90/60 and I am also sure the citalopram I am taking is effecting it as I keep feeling dizzy when I stand up from sitting down and when I am walking about.
    Citalopram and me have fallen out at the moment! It was my bestest friend 2 weeks ago!
    I am thinking of buying a blood pressure monitor to keep a check on it. They are not that expensive to buy.

    No I can't understand that either Poppy because last September when I was really anxious over an health problem I had and I went to the doctors and he took my blood pressure and he said it was absolutely fine but earlier that year I had been on HRT and I went for a repeat prescription and the nurse took my bp and she said it was really high and I have never suffered with high blood pressure in my life. I wasn't anxious in the slightest cos I knew I was only seeing the nurse and having my blood pressure checked and yet it was very high. She took it again about a minute later and it was fine. How can it be high one minute and fine the next.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: bp test

    Yes of course it is accurate - that is why they do it repeatedly over 24 hours rather than just one or two readings a day.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: bp test

    what is wrong with you is that when your doctor checked your blood pressure you were anxious and/or had white coat syndrome. the valid readings are the ones of the 24 hours tape as they are a reflection of how you bp is usually

    my bp is raised at the doctors but ok at home/in a 24 hours tape
    Ricard, 29yo, London
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , Singapore.

    Re: bp test

    and my gp docs keep on asking me to take 100mg atenolol, he say it will protect yr heart and brain, by the time i am 60yrs if i don't take this atentlol, i may have heart attack or stroke. i feel so scared he say that. he say this atenolol beta blockers is to protect yr heart and brain but in my heart i say its got side effect right? why ask me to take, do i really hv high bp, each time i go there, i am in panicky state, when i felt dizzy, then i run to see him, and he keep on saying i am dizzy becos i did not take tat atentolol. i am confuse again.he say don't trust that 24hr bp machine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: bp test

    Hi Alba

    I would never go agains't what a GP said, I am not qualified to. However, I would possibly go see another Doc for a second opinion.

    My understanding is, if there is no other health issues like diabetes, family history etc then an average of below 140/90 over a 24 hour period is not an issue, but the closer to 120/80 the better.

    I have an average typically around 144/88 but at present (I am early 40's) my GP said this was not high enough to contemplate going on medication, but it should be monitored annually and revised.

    He also said be more active, watch salt intake etc etc to lower it naturally.

    He also said cut down on drinking, yer right



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