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Thread: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    hi all,

    well its back to work for me today and i feel dreadful, i woke up with heart beating fast, stomach churning sat in the garden had 3 fags and still cant calm down, have taken my meds and know ill be spaced out very shortly... gonna try though it could either go one of two ways... i hate this illness I want to be ablet o wake up and feel alive and looking forward to the day ahead.. not dreading it incase i make a fool of myself or my chest hurts or i cant doesnt seem fair to watch my hubby walk out the door calm and ok.

    I will post later to let you know how I get on, im trying to be positive, but my nerves are taking over....

    have a good day everyone xxxx watch this space.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    Hi, ive been on escitalopram for 8 weeks, just upped to 15mg from 10mg, i am feeling in a terrible panic with anxiety at all time high, when is it ever going to go away, i feel i cant take much more, feel like im always going to be like this and never get better, was feeling okay from week 6 to week 7 and now its all come back, has anyone got any advice or help they can give me, cant take much more of this, its like living in hell, has it taken anyone longer than 8 weeks to get better? and is it normal to go crashing right back down?? xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    you can do this hun x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    am brickin it tigg.... hope im ok, feel so on edge....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    I woke up today feeling just like, bad naussea aswell.
    Felt bad anxiety yesterday when i went to bed and it is still around.

    It is so frustrating, i know how you feel.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    How did it go?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    i went, i panicked a bit, i sweated and my head ached...but i stayed there till 6pm... so thats a bit of the battle long way to go though, full day tommoro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    Well done vickykelly!! You did so well to get through it like you did. I'm sure you will manage the whole day tomorrow. Good luck!

  9. #9

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    hi hunny
    reading your post was like my husband had wrote it. He has been on citroplam for about 8 weeks now he is only on 10mg. He was fine last week nearly back to his normal self and then out of the blue he has hit rock bottom again. He has even taken a valium tonight as he felt so bad. I come on this site all the time for him, he is not very good on the comp. Just by reading your thread out to him he felt like he wasnt on his own.
    Just let me tell you i have suffered panic attacks and anxiety for 10 years, so i am very understanding and i do sympafize with him god that spelling was awful LOL. I have mine well under control now so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Try to think possitive , i know its easier said than done, i always tell george to try and think of something that he has to look forward to, even if its just a good film on tele, cause i know thinking of holidays terrifies him or going out so something small.
    I know how bad you feel but you will soon start to feel better, hang in there and you know you have all the support you need from this site, It helps me help my husband and stops me from feeling panicy.
    good luck hun and look to the future x x x x x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: stomach churning, feel sick...culprit back to work

    It goes like that when your on meds, I am on week 8 of seroxat and had a good few weeks then today had a really bad anxiety day, thought I was going mad, just did not know what to do with myself.I am not sure if its the meds I am on though.
    Hope you feel better soon.


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