Hi Glitter, I really feel for you - I understand how bewildering it can be to think that you are nearly recovered and then 'wham' Panic floods you again. I'm sure like me you will gain great reassurance from, this site. I used to think I was the only one who had scary ectopic/racing heart. Read this site and you will know just how common it is. I'm sure it will reassure you that the heart trace - even if you don't experience palpitations whilst wearing it - will show the 'health' of your heart. Remember it is showing the health of your heart after experiencing all those scary palpitations you have had in your life - and I am sure it will be normal! I really understand what you are going through - and how easy it is to give advice to others but not to be able to apply it to yourself! (I do this all the time!) Dizzyd