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Thread: Throat driving me mad, more so when doing stuff

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nicola,

    Thank you SO much for pointing me to that thread! The combined posts pretty much describe my symptoms EXACTLY! The only tiny difference with my symptoms are that I'm afraid of an end result, this being that my throat feels so choked that I wretch (which I have only done twice since November) and then vomit (which I haven't done from wretching and don't intend to!). I really didn't know that my phobia of vomit was a recognised phobia until about 6 months ago! Amazing!

    This seems to be the only thing that I'm clinging on to. I am trying to tell myself that vomitting isn't the end of the world and my rational mind is agreeing. I keep having a wee slip now and again and work myself up but I'm still keeping a positive approach and that one day I'll conquer it! I mean..... even if you do wretch, it doesn't mean that a single wretch is going to cause you to vomit does it!

    Many thanks,


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mark

    Glad it helped. People are rarely sick - I honestly can't remember the last time I was. You have to view it as a way of the body getting rid of any toxins so it is actually helping you. I know that probably doesn't help you much but I just wanted to let you know that most healthy people are rarely sick so try not to dwell on it too much.

    I hope you can start to ratioanlise this soon and believe that you are fine.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nicola,

    Thank you for your supportive words! I'm not actually a very "sickly" person which is lucky. I think my fear is that I can actually put my self in risk of wretching which in turn puts me in risk of vomitting. The fear of losing control of my anxiety and getting to the stage that this may happens terrifies me. I then think "what if I carried on wretching and wretching until I couldn't breath". That's the irrational part of me though and I try to keep myself in check and not even go there!

    The thought of vomitting as a way of the body releasing toxins is a really "soothing" way to look at it. Those words are a sight for my sore eyes!

    Thanks again!


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I can relate what you are saying to my situation in some ways. I have issues driving in traffic etc and I know that I will be fine but I still worry nonetheless.

    When we are sick the body automatically opens up the throat to allow us to be sick so we won't choke etc. It is a natural reaction by the body and it will, believe it or not, take care that you don't choke.

    We are only ever sick when we need to get rid of excess toxins. So, for example, after a night on the town drinking, the liver can't cope so we are sick to eject as much as we can from the body - toxins you see!

    When you understand why we are sick it helps to understand it more and assures you that you won't just be sick at any time.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks for that Nicola, you've lodged that little glimmer of "well I guess that does make sense" in my mind. Especially seeing as I haven't thrown up for years even though, when I'm having a bad period I try and hold it back most days. I *think* things are getting easier, I've just got to brave going out again before I become agrophobic as well!

    I'm on day 4 of withdrawal symptoms from efexor which isn't helping but I'm trying to keep a positive edge on things even though it isn't pleasant!



  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi Mark,

    Hope you managed to get hold of that relaxation tape. It was one of those tapes that made me realise how much my anxiety was causing me to be tense. I used to have an issue with my throat as well. I was convinced that it hurt so much that there must be a lump growing inside it and that pretty soon I wouldn't be able to breath. (silly, I know). The tape helped me loads and I hope it does the same for you.


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