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Thread: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Hi all, I don't very often come on here and ask for help, but I am a bit jittery today about having the colonoscopy tomorrow and thought that a few of you might understand. In a couple of hours I have the first laxative sachet (Citramag) and then the fun will start and I am not looking forward to it.
    I know most of you get anxious about going for various procedures and wondered if anyone could give me a bit of sympathy.

    I have been having stabbing pains in my left lower stomach for months now and I know this is the best way of checking what is wrong (I'm hoping its IBS), but it is not particularly nice having a camera put up where the sun doesn't shine. My appointment is at 9am tomorrow and I am planning to get to hospital just after 8 am. Thanks to all of you to listening to my ramblings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Grit your teeth and remember it will all be over by mid morning tomorrow. I had one last summer and by far the worst bit is the day before and the prep the proceedure itself was a picnic for me - I had had a terrible time with a sigmoidoscoy that was agonisingly painful purely due to the Dr who did it so as you can imagine was terrified of the colonoscopy even though i had asked for a different Dr and they had been very sympathetic and it was obvious there were issues with the first Dr. So the proceedure was over in no time and not even very painful - all that worry for nothing.
    As I said the prep was horrible and made me feel very ill - talk about a sore bum it made my eyes water and I got a banging headache as well but the prep is very hard on your body. I remember after taking the first dose and getting a nasty shock spending three hours attached to the loo that I was so dreading the second dose but I gritted my teeth and took it and no it wasn't any better but at lease it wasn't a shock!

    so I would imagine by now you have taken your first dose and are sat on the loo - doubt you will read this for a few hours but don't worry about tomorrow that the easy part today is the hard one.

    Good luck and hope all is normal like mine was and you have all my sympathy having been threre done that

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Thank you so much Countrygirl for replying, you really have helped and I am very grateful. I haven't taken the powder yet, I take it at 12 noon and the next one at 4pm, so I have a couple of hours yet before I take up my position on the throne!! I have had a colonoscopy before, but it was in 2005 and you forget what it was like, so the anxiety is a bit high today, but as you say, just grit the teeth and get on with it. I have the jar of Vaseline ready and the headache tablets. I'm just filliing myself up with Lucozade and sugary drinks as they suggest drinking as much as possible to rehydrate the system. Mind you I found last time when it was all over that I felt really cleansed and well for about a week afterwards, as it does give you a good de-tox. So at least I have that to look forward to.

    I am sorry you had such a bad time with the sigmoid, I have had a couple of those in the past with no pain, what rotten luck to have someone who was not doing to procedure properly. I know there is bad discomfort with the colonoscopy, it is caused by air being forced into the bowel when they put the scope round the bends, but it is no worse than a bad period cramp for a few seconds, so I know there is nothing to be scared off, but as you say, today is the worst day with the preparation. I do appreciate your reply to me and I will be reading it a few times today, thanks again. x

  4. #4

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    You will be fine. I had one last year and by far the worst was the preparation and the panicking. The nurses were fab and looked after me really well...even bringing me a wheat free sandwich. Plus you have the added bonus of having the best tasting meal ever afterwards! And lots of sympathy from people Focus on thinking after procedure (though I know thats easier said than done) You will be fine! Good Luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Hi ya, i had a sigmoidoscopy last week,i was sooooooo scared i had to be at hospital for 8.30am was home by 10.45am and although a little uncomfortable if i had to do it again 2morrow i would.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    I can't really help you on this but wish you all the luck in the world and hope all goes well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    To: Countrygirl, Laurat, Leah & Nanny. You are so great all of you and have lifted my spirits today, thank you so much. I have taken the first sachet of
    Citramag and have a few tummy rumblings but haven't been on the throne yet, but I know that will start in earnest after the 2nd sachet at 4pm. It is so good to get support at a time like this and I hope in turn that I can be of some help to you all when you need it. Bless you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Ddcoo - hope your prep is better than mine was - I don't know yours and some are gentler than others. I had the worst of the lot it was called Fleet obviously by someone with a nasty sense of humour - I had a good laugh with the nurse at the hospital before the test and she told me there were different levels of clear out and fleet was the best as far as Dr was concerend as it cleared every tube from the feet up but wasn't suitalbe for old people or anyone with health problems as it was too good. So hopefully yours is one of the genttler ones.

    How big is your pot of vaseline

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    Hello again Countrygirl, good to hear from you again today, especially with your sense of humour. The Fleet you took could possibly see me off then, as I am 65 years of AGE IN BODY AND 21 IN HEART, with a bad knee to boot.
    If I took fleet then maybe my dicky knee wouldn't speed me to the bathroom quick enough eh? The Citramag I have taken tends to start working properly after having the second sachet which will be after 4 pm, but then I am going at regular intervals all evening and all through the night, with it finally abating as I get to Hospital. The pot of Vaseline is only a little one, it was all I could get from the supermarket on Sunday. I checked the pots I had in store and they are all out of date, but in an emergency, if needs must then I will use them, I don't suppose it will make much difference. At a push I have some motor oil in the garage (ha ha).

    It has been a long day today, I have just stayed on the computer to take my mind off what is happening, and it has been much better than I thought, I know the worst is to come, but I can just keep checking my thread and be spurred on by all your help. Thank you once again so much.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Colonoscopy tomorrow - need sympathy!!

    I had the Fleet one and OMG I never left the bathroom lol.

    I wish you well with it cos I know it is not a nice thing to go through but hopefully will put your mind at ease once it is done.

    I have Crohn's so I am sure I will have many more of these to come in the future!

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