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Thread: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

  1. #121

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    i'm new to this website and its really reassuring to read this post,although i have read similar before in self help books i hadnt read the tongue thing which applied to me and also its nice to be in touch with people who are going through the same and dont think you are mad x

  2. #122

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi michelle,

    I have just joined and in the last couple of hours have found so much helpful information, your has been really good. I suffer with GAD and am constantly having palpitations which feel like pressure building up and then a big thund, does this sound normal to you?

    Once again thanks for your advice

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    i get missed heart beats and that kicks in the anxiety. ive had it checked by the gp and he said its nothing to be concerned about but that doesnt make me reassured when its happening. i often wake feeling high anxiety and tension. any tips on how to deal with it all?

  4. #124
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Thanks so much - the lump in my throat had got awful - my tongue was permanently on the roof of my mouth - I am going to make a concious effort to lower it.
    Brilliant post


  5. #125

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Thanks - i have printed it out and will keep it in my bag. Best thing for me is reading all my symptoms of 'all of my illnesses' and seeing how connected they are. I will, with the love of my family and the support of this website be back in control asap.
    Cheers xxx

  6. #126

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Have you any tips on relaxing enough to be able to go to sleep. Sleep is a non event in my life and am on sleeping tablets. I think tonight is going to be the night I wont need a tablet but when the evening comes I start getting a stress pain on the top of my head just on the left hand side and the closer it gets to bed time the worse I feel and the pain just gets worse. When I take my sleeping tablet I can feel the pain being hacked away and then I can sleep but I feel I an in a vicious circle. I have tried breathing but the more I try to deep breath the more anxious I get. Doc put me on anatrypaline but in the first week had put on 5lbs so got anxious about that. Dont know how to cope at the moment. Have got a real big problem in my life at the moment found out last August my youngest son who is now 33 was abused by paedophile when he was 13 and got huge court case in London in a few weeks. I could cope better if I didnt have the sleep worries invading my life...

  7. #127

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic


    Have just read your message and found it really helpful, as have been diagnosed as suffering from anxiety for 3-4 weeks now. Thankfully my physical symptoms seem to have diminished a bit and "touch wood" have not had a real panic/anxiety attack for a few days now, which were happening every day, two three times a day - so I'm hoping I'm getting much better.

    Which is why I wanted to ask you a couple of things - "All" I seem to suffer with at the moment is a bit of pins and needles in my fingers and a bit lightheaded now and again througout the day whilst at work - my eyes go a bit blurry, like I have to really focus and as a generalisation have to "have a word with myself" every now and again as feel a bit trembly at times in the day. So now, because symptoms are passing I'm thinking why do I still feel like this? Is this common, so to speak that will still have the physical symptoms all think I'm "over" what the anxiety was all about?

    Also have bit of chest uncomfortableness, cant say pain because its not, sort of under the breast bones where your ribs meet...

    Thanks for all advice/support you can give, woudl be most appreciated.


  8. #128

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic


    Just joined and finding this post incredibly useful.
    I have to say that this site is wonderful and full of information that I hope to help me deal with my anxiety and panic attacks.
    Especially the symptom descriptions. It is helping me put things in perspective, although it is not easy at some points!

  9. #129

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi all

    My name is Aaron im 23 year's old. I first started with anxiety when i was 18, started very suddenly for me, i got very drunk one new years eve and dont remember getting home just waking the next morning which i found pretty scary. Two day's after i had my first panic attack where i felt like i was dying luckily my mum suffered with them as a teenager and was able to calm me down and explaine what i was feeling. I've always wondered if it was that night of getting drunk that started it off for me. Anyway! after the panic attack i started with constant Anxiety, worried about being seriously ill, intrustive thoughts where i was scared of going near knives in case i suddenly went crazy or lost control, i was always in control of my thoughts so i knew what it was. I think the most scariest thing for me was the Unreal/derealisation state, made me scared to look in the mirror and always seemed to happen to me when i was in the bathroom really wierd. I started taking St John's Wort and after about 6 months i managed to beat the anxiety and was completly free of it and never thought about it.

    About 3 weeks i was driving home from work and in traffic and suddenly became overwhelmed and felt the need to get out of the car, i was able to tell myself it was a panic attack and control it and drive myself home, where i then had a full on panic attack, hot,cold,intense fear etc. i phoned my dad who calmed me down (he is a counseller) so makes it easy for me to talk about how i feel, my mum is really good and understanding as well.

    I was trying to think what might have triggered it, my job has changed alot and im not enjoying, we had two new managers come in that i dont like and dont really get along with and thing it might be this that caused it. Also my girlfriend lives in London im from Manchester and she is studying at univeristy in Manchester, and as its end of term at the moment she has gone back to london for 2 months, at the time i didnt worry about this but now feel like i really miss her.

    The anxiety has come back again and being hit really hard with the unreal stuff again which i find really scary, the biggest thing is im not sure if its just myself telling myself to feel this way because thats what happened after my last panic attack or its anxiety again, its really confusing for me. I went to see my GP who offered me counselling and meds which i declined both. I worry alot about the side effects of meds, and dont feel like i need counselling as im not worried about in paticular and i have people around me i can talk to. I have started taking St Johns Wort again for about 2 weeks now, i am confident of beating this again it can be a long road but i wanted to let people know it can be done and you can be anxiety free!

    If anyone has any good tips for dealing with the unreal/depersanlisation things i would love to hear them, as i kind of just let it happen and wait for it to pass.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    hi i suffer from all these things and have done for ages i know what they are and why they happen but still cant shift them every time i get rid of one thing another pops up! right now the theme is tension headaches they are not like real headaches but they are annoyin! feel like i cant talk proper or see straight but i can see.... if u know what i mean..... any advice???? also hi beerguy! i suffer with unreality alot the trick is to accept it.. not easy i know but it dose pass in time once we focus on other things remember that unreality cant hurt u you CAN get through each day with it.. its just annoyin and unpleasant but the more u try to force it away the more strange u feel because its all u can think about just like when u have a panic attack... again your caught in the circle.... xxx

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