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Thread: scab in nose that wont heal

  1. #1

    scab in nose that wont heal

    i have had a scab in my left nostril now for about 2 weeks. I pick it off and it keeps coming back. i heard from someone that a scab that wont heal can mean some kind of cancer. Just wanted to know if anyone else has heard of this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: scab in nose that wont heal

    Why don't you not pick it off and wait for it it heal in its own good time and fall off naturally... the scab not your nose that is.

    It's on a part of your body that's constantly being irritated and affected by other things, so yeah of course it's going to take a while to heal, I bet you're probably playing with it right now, poking and prodding at it, telling it it's not allowed to be cancer. Well you're right it isn't allowed to be cancer, but stop playing with it, that doesn't help anything get better


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: scab in nose that wont heal

    mattc15- i have the same thing and think it is from the dry weather not from cancer. I bought some stuff at CVS called Rhinaris. It is a saline gel that goes into your nose when it is dry. I tried EVERYTHING, neosporin, vasoline, metholatuim, and this was the only thing that helped me...that and stopping the picking and prodding and looking to see if it is still there. You put it on with a Qtip. I put extra on at night before bed and it was gone in like 2 days. Good luck.

  4. #4

    Re: scab in nose that wont heal

    hi there...

    i had this quite regularly.. scabs and sores in my nose that bleed when you pick them. I get coldsores (herpes) but never on my mouth - always in or up my nose...

    so last time i got one i went to the doctors to see if there was anything they could do. the nurse did a swab and when the results came back it showed i had "staph A" infection in my nose. This is a common bacterica which lives on the skin but where i had been picking the scabs i had transferred it into the sore in my nose.

    i had a course of strong penicillin and since then i've been fine. I would say to see your doc and see if they can do a swab.

    try not to worry and see someone about it if it continues to be a prob x x x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: scab in nose that wont heal

    I have read and heard stories about staph in the nose too becuase your fingers are dirty (bacteria under the fingernail) and the skin in the nose is obviously so thin and easily torn. When my nose sore was its worse, I took 3 days of Amoxocylyn and that did help to make it heal...then I bought that saline gel to keep it moist and stop it from re-tearing. I know the scab is bothering you, but think about what happens to scabs else where when you pull makes healing time longer. The nose is no different. You must leave the scab there and just keep the noise moist to stop it from cracking and like worried 1 said....keep your fingers away and think about seeing the Dr. to make sure it is not staph.

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