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Thread: agoraphobia, panic and 24/7 depersonalization

  1. #1

    agoraphobia, panic and 24/7 depersonalization

    Im suffering from agoraphobia/panic and suffer from 24/7 depersonalization.

    I have the constant feeling im like 'detached' from my body, but not litterally obv :P . Its like when I look down at my body it seems and feels different than it used to.

    Just copy pasted this from wiki, where the bold words are things I experience
    The symptoms include a sense of automation, going through the motions of life but not experiencing it, feeling as though one is in a movie, feeling as though one is in a dream, feeling a disconnection from one's body; out-of-body experience, a detachment from one's body, environment and difficulty relating oneself to reality.

    Its a bit like that movie being john malkovich :P but only its not som1 elses body but mine and I realise it

    I have this feeling 24/7, its always there and never goes away. These feelings are the ones that make me so anxious. And im like constantly checking and rechecking how the feelings are

    Im going 2 a psychiatrist in the hospital 2moro and Im gonna explain this to him (which is hard cuz Im having trouble describing it)

    Any1 also experiencing these symptoms all the time.... Wanna share?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: agoraphobia, panic and 24/7 depersonalization

    I suffered with it for near on 2 years but it does calm down in time once the nervous system recovers enough

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: agoraphobia, panic and 24/7 depersonalization


    i had this for two years also it will pass when your nervous system calms down


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