Can anyone please tell me how depersonalisation can be such a master of deciept.
Why can it constantly make me believe that I have some unknown problem that no-one else has ever had.

Although many different people have tried to explain how it feels, it is almost impossible because when you try to pinpoint exactly what it feels like, words fail you and you end up with a mental block.

For instance, when I am ditracted, I forget about dp, then as soon as I stop it returns. I then wonder which was conscious thought, the time when distracted or the dp time. When I sit down and try to relax, the dp thoughts kick in and I cant stop them. My mind resorts to trying to work it all out and in makes me feel physically ill. Sick to my stomach!

How do other people go on with life without thinking about how your mind works. How do they just 'let it work'.
None of this makes any sense does it. People just 'be'. They dont question it, so why do I?

How can you feel as though you are not here. Why does your mind get into such a tangle. Why cant I 'feel' myself. Why do I panic when I think of 'me'.

Why does your mind feel, at times, like there is a party going on in it. So busy! I wake in the morning and feel as though my dreams are still going on in my head. Even though I am awake.

All these feelings are driving me insane...or are they?
How do we break free from this circle? Round and round we go, coming back to the same escape.

If you too get these problems, please let me know. I really could do with some help here. Depersonalisation is beating me to a pulp and I cant do a thing about it.

Jude x

Be gentle with just need some time to heal.