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Thread: Feeling hot all the time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Feeling hot all the time

    For the past few months I've been feeling hot all the time. Even when I am not anxious or panicky I will sit there feeling so hot. My skin in clammy to the touch and I can't get cool. In the spring when it was still freezing my sister would go into town in a thick coat, gloves and scarf. I would be wearing a jacket and a vest top because I was that hot. Like now, I am boiling hot but don't feel anxious in the slightest.

    Is it possible to have the feeling hot symptom daily if you are having a good day or not feeling anxious? I've been diagnosed with GAD for 2 1/2 years but the hot thing has only been going on about 7 months. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    Im like this a lot of the time ,it does come and go now tho .I had a thyroid check and loads of blood tests and all came back normal .Sometimes it can be hormone related .Have you mentioned it to your Dr ? Anxiety can make you feel like this and can also make you feel cold all the time as well . Take care Sue x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    Hiya Sue, yes last week I was checked for thyroid problems but they came back normal according to the receptionist when I rang for my results. I've not been tested for anything hormone related not sure if it could be that as I'm only 29 and I'm on the pill for period problems.

    Can anxiety make you feel hot and off throughout the day even when you aren't anxious though? I thought you only felt hot when you were anxious or panicky? Thanks so much for your reply

  4. #4

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    I get this all the time, to be honest i wish i'd just have a panic attack cos then the hot flash's would go. I find running my wrist under cold water for about 5 mins helps cool my whole body, or having a nice cold shower. Avoid drinking tea etc. when its hot, wait untill it's cooled down alot. You really don't have to be feelling anxious for some of the symptoms to be present. I wouldn't worry about thyroid problems or anything, especially when your tests were normal. I've had the hot feeling on and off for 5 years even when i feel fine.

    Prue x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    im constantly hot even in the winter,im the odd one wearing a vest top!!!!!
    had bloods done but its just part of the anxiety. Even when i dont feel anxious at all im sweating buckets, I keep a cold wet flannel next to the bed incase i wake up just so i can feel the cold on my skin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    Thanks for the reassurance everyone

    So silly how anxiety can make you feel ill even when you aren't anxious isn't it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    I have the same symptom at the moment :( But I'm either clammy or freezing cold, There is no in between but most of the time I am sticky clammy. I feel achey all over my body too :( Over the last couple of months I have had hardly any symptoms to the point I thought I was better.

    Not sure if it anxiety or a virus

    Hope your feeling better soon

    All the best


  8. #8

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    i feel hot and clammy too all the time even when not anx

  9. #9

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    Hi, I have been experiencing it in the past 10 days or so, all beginning with being stuck in the hot car for ages (on the M25 lovely).

    Then I thought I'd had a reaction to some prawns we ate as my arms were stinging. All week last week I had sort of flashing up my arms & neck and face and my arms are very dry now with a sort of prickly heat feeling, all worse last night in bed when I felt as though someone had placed a lump of red hot coal in the nape of my neck :(.

    Went to the doc's today where she is saying let's rule out thyroid & diabetes and I do know don't I that hormone tests are not very reliable? (yes I know but maybe time to look into things as I'm 51)...feel like my whole body is being prockled by something. I've got some Antibacterial soap today to see if it helps if it's a sweat rash.

    Very miserable trying not to panic. Came off long term citalopram this year after 4 years.

  10. #10

    Re: Feeling hot all the time

    I also am getting a "cold" feeling under my scalp :(

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