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Thread: citalopram - should i be taking it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    citalopram - should i be taking it?

    Just wondering if anyone else is unsure about taking this? Have been taking for 3 days and first 2 days great. Only on 10mg. Today not so good though. A part of me wonders if I should maybe just be applying myself to getting on? Great to have found this site though as have not got anyone to talk to about this sort of thing and seems like there is some great advice....

  2. #2

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?

    I am on the same as you and had the same feelings about whether I shold be taking it in the early days, had a few side effects but i really think its worth sticking with it if you can, you've been through a heck of a lot and it will give you the helping hand you need, good luck hun, i'm here to lend an ear whenever you need xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?

    how are you finding meds now? also was prescribed some diazepam to chill me out. been really good last 2 days but tonight can't face doing anything... how about you? do you have dry mouth? runny nose (thought it was hay fever!), wierd appetite and feel like you've popped half an e right after you have taken it? I do, feel a bit stoned which makes work much more interesting!
    I think I have been doing ok but hope that you are right and sticking with it in the long run will do the trick. am going to have counselling too (and pray for a new job! ha). but yes, it really does help to have someone to talk to and to be honest haven't really had that.

  4. #4

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?

    I am completely the same, i am on Citalopram 10mg to stop my anxiety and depression, have been on it for around 3 weeks now, first 2 weeks i was fine and had no side effects, but now on my third week my anxiety has creeped back and i seem to be having bad anxiety and becoming really dizzy and light headed as if i am floating, is anyone else feeling like this.. i realy need people to talk to, i am fed up of people who know nothing about how am feeling saying its ok, we all get like this- it doesn't help me. Also i keep standing up and getting really light headed and falling back down, is anyone else having problems like these?

    sorry for the long post. just really lost and need help.

    Thanks Crissi

  5. #5

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?


    I am new to this site, just joined tonight.

    I suffered from panic attacks, which then led to depression/anxiety which worsened at the thought of having another panic attack.

    I have suffered on and off for about 2 years now.

    The panic just came on out of the blue and frightened me completely.

    I am on Citalopram, originally was on 40mg, then 20mg and am now on 10mg. I think they did work for me but i would like to try and come off them but am frightened i will go back to the bad panic attacks etc if i do.

    Somedays i feel completely out of it and that things are unreal and it feels i have been on the alcohol, tipsy feeling. Most days are fine, if i do feel panicked at all i try and distract myself by talking on the phone or going on the internet or playing games on facebook lol !!

    I do think that you need to keep on the Citalopram for a few weeks and just accept any side effects that occur, i found i was slightly more dizzy than usual but i think you just need to focus on the fact they may help you with the panic/depression/anxiety emotions and the side effects will subside eventually


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?


    I know what you mean crispicakes about not having anyone to talk to about these things and it doesn't help that's why this forum is so useful. I am dealing with this completely on my own and finding that scary. I want to know that someone was on the same dose as me, took it and it worked and that after a couple of months they felt much better and are now ok. But the other side of the coin is some very real issues that I do need to talk about and it seems you feel the same.
    Poppyfields - how are you getting on now? do you feel less depressed? How long have you been on it? I like that you say that they will help that is reassuring. thank god it is Friday! :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?

    Hi Alex ,your current dose will not always be the dose that you end up on .Once your body has ajusted to the 10mg ,you will get more of an idea how effective it is .Further increases will determine what your theraputic dose is .20mg is the starting dose for depression and higher doses for panic /anxiety .When your dose is increased the side effects are normally not so severe ,as your body has got used it .This drug has made me feel so much better iv ,e been on it since Oct.Some of what you have also experienced ,caused me to feel depressed and anxious .My depression lifted on 20mg but I needed to go up to 35mg to help combat the anxiety and panic .Im sure you will continue to get plenty of help and support here .It will help with your recovery as it has with mine .All the best .Sue x
    Last edited by suzy-sue; 21-08-09 at 14:40. Reason: not finished

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: citalopram - should i be taking it?

    thanks I am going to stick with it. determined today! It is really encouraging to hear about positive experiences and also to share how you feel about being on the meds and what they are doing to you physically! I am so thirsty! but the good days and bad days are no worse than without the meds so if they will help me to stabalise after a few weeks then it is worth it.

    Today is Friday and I am sort of wanting to go out and have a few drinks, nice evening etc, what harm can it do but I notice I am SO much worse the next day so I will probably drive and have a glass of wine when I get home.... aarghhh !!!

    thanks for all the advice and support.

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