Thank you ElizabethJane and Mel for your words of support and also highlighting questions I'd thought of too. To be honest as good as these benzos have been in the past I think after all these years they probably help less than they did initially. It's just the total addiction to them that fuels the need after all these years in my experience.
ElizabethJane, please don't apologise for the questions as I'd been asking myself the same things I've been having just a few doubts as you do but the support is supposedly going to be there. It would be nice to be able to have them back if I couldn't cope but maybe that's asking too much of the professionals. He didn't say what anti anxiety drug but I'll update as soon as I know. I've been reading about buspirone and it seems as if the effects are comparable to diazepam. I wonder if they'll leave me on them if I need something if and when I'm hopefully weaned? More Q's for my psych.
Mel, yes I absolutely agree as it was the pressure of cutting back too quickly that sent me into such a panic. I was in such a state this morning that I think he could see that if he pushed me any further I would have happily gone into hospital. The fact that he's not pushed but just offered a lifeline seems to have pulled me back. Again I feel as long as I'm left with something then all will be well. I'm hoping it will be a positive experience and that I'll be able to offer hope and advice eventually on here to others in the same postion. I dread to think what would have happened if I'd been lumbered with my first young GP? So my first advice to anyone would be to go over their heads if you possibly can and fight all the way if you feel they are in the wrong.
