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Thread: Seasonal Flu Jab

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Seasonal Flu Jab

    I am freaking out as I am due to have a seasonal flu jab tomorrow for the first time. I have read it can make you feel ill or cause problems although it can't give you flu.
    I really don't want to be ill over the next few days as my wife is 5 days overdue giving birth to our son and had a sweep done today so it could be with us at any moment. I can't stand the thought of getting ill with this happening.
    My HA is going through the roof. Don't know what to do?
    Has anyone had the flu jab and had no problems with it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    Not had the jab, & not heard of any problems with it, but probably would hold off having it til after the babs is born if it was me? Just to be on the safe side? Mind you, its probably after the baby is born you eill need to have your wits about you the most! lol My mum has this jab as she is over 60 & ive never heard her mention any side affects. So they're probably not very common I expect? x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    Paul - I am with you on this one. I know they are going to make me have it and I am dreading it.

    Loads of people I know have felt really rough after having it and I don't want to feel ill.

    I would put it off until baby comes to be honest - just in case.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    I had my flu jab a couple of weeks ago, it is the second one I have had as I had one last year too, I just had a stiff top of my arm for about 24 hours and that was all. I have had no reactions to the jab, I have felt well and I do hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    I am due to have mine too! Can't decide whether to have it or not. I had it for the last 2 years, first year I was fine but last year had it just before all this anxiety set in so now of course I am thinking it was connected!!! So silly I'm sure but you know how our minds work....
    My mum who is 88 had it the other day and no side effects at all.
    I agree Paul that you may as well put it off until after the baby arrives. Good luck with the baby by the way!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    Hi Paul,
    My dad had his jab yesterday, my mum couldnt have hers cause she has the flu!!! She is getting hers next week and they both have no side affects whatsoever, this is there fourth year of flu jabs.
    I agree with Mojo, Nicola and cellblock H fan and put it off till after the baby has arrived. Good luck with the new baby and very best wishes.
    Carol xx

  7. #7

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    Hi paul, i had mine 2 days ago that was probably my 4th time been fine on all, but i will say it doesnt completely stop u getting the flu somewhere down the line.

  8. #8

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    I have been having the flu jab for several years and can honestly say that I haven't had any adverse effects, well apart from a slightly sore arm which only lasted for about a day.

    I agree with what others have said that you may be better to wait until your baby is born.

    Good luck and best wishes for you impending new arrival xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Seasonal Flu Jab

    Thank you all for your replies. I did not have it done today as thought best to wait but have rearranged it for next Thursday so hopefully bubs would have arrived by then. Thanks again

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