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Thread: Amitriptyline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I have been prescribed 10mg of amitriptyline for pain relief as i have really bad back and neck pain. I have just been reading old threads on this and alot of people say about the side affects like ectopic beats which i get every now and then anyway, fast heart beat, really dry mouth and constipation. It scares me when i read about all the side affects and my anxiety goes into overdrive when i look at the leaflet that comes with them. I havent actually been to the chemist to buy them yet. My GP has prescribed a months worth and asked me back in about 3 weeks to see me while im on them. I guess im just scared of taking them now but want the pain to ease. Can anyone offer some reassuring words about them? Who has been on this drug? I know it is used in much higher dose for depression but who else has just used it for pain? Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Amitriptyline

    My OH took it for pain and felt really woozy and stopped taking them which annoyed me as the side effects from his curent codeine addiction are far far worse. He is often constipated and has a dry mouth and suffers horrible headaches all from codeine but he is too set in his ways to try anything else.

    I'd look at the side effects of your painkillers that you currently take as you may find the list as alarming as the amitriptyline ones. Secondly if the do work (and they do for many many people) the benefits would far outweigh the slight risk of side effects. Thirdly because the does is so low it quite unlikely you will get as many side effects as someone on a higher dose. Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Amitriptyline

    I got Amitriptyline for neck and shoulder pain, My anxiety was really high at the time and the doctor told me to go back to see her the following week about what we were going to do about that. Anyway , literally the very next day after having one amirtrityline ( 10mg ) , I found i wasn't so anxious and it continued in to the next day and the next. When i went back to see the doctor the following week i told her that i was feeling better, she said that didn't surprise her because they do help anxiety. So i continued to take it and it helped both the neck pain and the anxiety. I had no side effects ( 10mg is a small dose ) only a little bit of a dry mouth in the morning only, that was it . I eventually came of them , I do believe it gave me a " breather " from the anxiety and gave me time to recover . I am now of them , I still have my moments with anxiety but nothing like it was before . That was my experience with them and i had a kind of pill phobia at the time but i was in so much pain i had to do something, Best thing i ever did and like i said 10mg is not a high dose , the side effects are really aimed at long term on a much higher dose . You should give them and try , see what happens .... you may even be surprised ..... Good luck love Paige x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Amitriptyline

    10mg Is a very low dose, I took them for sleep problems at 50mg and thats the minimum therapeutic dose for depression too as far as I know.

    Personally I loved 'em the side effects weren't a problem for me at all, I don't think you'll have anytrouble with them specially at 10mg

    I'm not a medical professional but thats my experience with them and it was positive.

    hope this helps,

    Every day is a new battle, you can either fight on, or put up your hands and admit defeat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Amitriptyline

    Thanks for all your replies guys i really appreciate it. I think i will give them a go its only for a month. Hopefully they will sort my anxiety for a bit too. Does anyone know if you can drink on them? Im usually very causcious while on meds with drink but i have a stag do early november and dont want to miss out on all the fun. Thanks again guys


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Amitriptyline

    Hi, i was on amitryptiline for 2 years due to neck, back and chest pain and they helped me. I started on 10mg but ended up on 50mg. I always took them at bedtime as they helped me sleep. At first they gave me a dry mouth but that was the only side effect i had. I came off them 2 weeks ago due to getting bad headaches and not knowing what was causing them. I would definately give them a try x

  7. #7

    Re: Amitriptyline

    hi. I have been taking 20mg of amitriptyline for three weeks now for tension headaches. I have noticed however that since the feeling of pressure has gone, a feeling of stiffness has occured in my neck and head and I sometimes have a dry mouth and feel the need to constanly swallow. Has anyone else experienced any of this ? I had a couple of glasses of wine one night and I was ok but another night i had a few different drinks and was violently sick the next morning so I wouldn't recommend it really. Thanks, Natalie

  8. #8

    Re: Amitriptyline

    hi ive been on 50mg amitriptyline for the past 14 years
    and never had any problems apart from a dry mouth when i first started them but i wouldnt drink alcohol with them yet wait till youve been on them a while
    if im having a drink i dont take a tablet that night

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Amitriptyline

    Hi Guys thank you for the replies. I think i will give them a go because i am in pain. I think i will just miss taking them over the stag weekend but i am seeing the doctor before i go so i will check with him. I will let you know how im getting on with them once i start them. Thanks again


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Amitriptyline

    I've had a few brandies while on amytriptilene and a mate of mine is on 75mg a night and drinks like a fish every single night, don't get me wrong though, he's not exactly the pinnacle of good health, might give you an extra bad hangover the next day.

    I reckon youd be ok with a few beers but I personally would avoid my dose if i went home wrecked.

    up to you really matey, might be an idea jsut to stay off the sauce until you finish your course.

    hope this helps.

    Every day is a new battle, you can either fight on, or put up your hands and admit defeat.

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