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Thread: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

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    The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    PsychoPoet Research Initiative
    Aut viam inveniam aut faciam


    LAST UPDATED 09/03/2016

    Hi all,

    Back when I created this thread, I was getting bombarded with PMs for information about Inositol and I noticed the same questions being asked in brand new threads every day. I aimed to solve that by posting everything I have been able to learn about inositol here. If you see anyone in the other forums asking about inositol, please direct them here to save everyone some time.

    This is the first in a planned series of Research Initiative threads in which all the known facts are explored and myths are given the heave-ho.

    You can also find a discussion of inositol in my Citalopram Survival Guide. If you haven't checked the Survival Guide out, please do so as soon as you can cos there is a very large amount of information about fighting back against anxiety and depression.

    Please note I am not a doctor and I am not a qualified mental health worker. I am not encouraging or advising you to take anything. ALWAYS consult a pharmacist or your doctor if you want to discuss potential interactions between your medications. The information in this guide comes from research available on the internet and from my own hard-earned experience.

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    Inositol: The Basics

    My granddad used to say that for every illness in the world, God put a plant on the earth with properties to heal or cure it. Mental illnessis no different: the cures are out there waiting for us to find them, and every type of mental health issue has its own treatments and supplements.
    What is inositol?

    Inositol is a naturally occurring substance which is found in human spinal fluid. It's also, rarely, known as vitamin B8. Inositol is chemically similar to sugar and inositol powder has a sickly, sugary taste. It isn't unpleasant. I don't know what it smells like, as I don't want people to see me with white powder round my nose.

    How is inositol linked to emotional difficulties?

    People who suffer from depression are often found to have a reduced amount of inositol in their spinal fluid. No-one knows whether the lack of inositol causes depression, or depression leads to a lack of inositol.

    Inositol may make a potentially significant improvement to distressing or racing thoughts. It appears to have a calming, slowing effect, which does not feel like a tranquiliser and will not make you believe you're following Mr Spoon. It does not cure these thoughts -- that can only come from learning to stand your ground and training yourself to stop freaking out or being carried away by them -- but it may provide very noticeable relief.

    Anyone who suffers from a range of mental health issues might potentially benefit from inositol supplements. However, it may not be suitable for people with psychosis symptoms, or who are experiencing mood swings. Please read this complete guide before buying or trying inositol.

    Can I take inositol with antidepressants?

    Inositol is classed as a vitamin and it does not seem to interact with most medications. I combined these with 30mg and, for a brief period, 40mg of citalopram. I have also used it once or twice with mirtazapine 30mg. I experienced no interactions. However, research into the benefits and side effects of inositol is limited (probably because medical companies cannot patent inositol and earn a profit from it). It's worth asking your doctor or pharmacist to see if inositol interacts with your medication.

    NEW: Can inositol help with cyclothymia (rapid cycling of moods) and similar conditions?

    Cyclothymia is a relatively common mental health complaint in which your moods change quite often and quite quickly. In a way, it is almost like a less dramatic version of the mood swings in bipolar disorder. Cyclothymia does not necessarily indicate the presence of more serious mental health conditions, although it frequently appears alongside things such as anxiety, depression, OCD and ADHD. Some in the medical industry do not consider it "serious" or especially worrying, but cyclothymia it can make life very awkward for someone who has it, as they may feel like they are being pulled this way and that without having much control.

    Inositol may increase the tendency towards mood swings, but this is usually in people with bipolar disorder, in which the mood swings are extremely pronounced. I may have had cyclothymia back when I took inositol (although this was not confirmed), and I did not experience any negative mood changes when taking inositol. If anything, my moods seemed to stabilise, as my racing thoughts calmed down.

    Can I take inositol to help reduce symptoms of psychosis or bipolar disorder?

    Inositol is NOT recommended in these instances, as it could potentially increase the tendency towards mood swings. Bipolar and different types of psychosis may create "co-morbid" symptoms of anxiety and depression, but bipolar and psychosis conditions require specific treatment. Treating these conditions appropriately is highly likely to reduce the co-morbid conditions. You should always speak to your doctor, psychiatrist or pharmacist before taking supplements with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties if you are experiencing bipolar disorder (of any type) or psychosis (of any type).

    NEW: Can inositol be used for autism?

    I was diagnosed with asperger syndrome and I used inositol without any problems. However, it is not specifically anti-autism, it simply treats co-morbid conditions such as anxiety, OCD etc.

    NEW: Can inositol be used for ADHD?

    While inositol trials were aimed at anxiety, depression and OCD, these conditions occur in many people with ADHD due to the frustrations and difficulties they face in daily life. So while it's not specifically rated as an anti-ADHD treatment, you may experience significant relief from many ADHD symptoms, maybe even to the point where you can focus and get on with your life. This potentially means people with ADHD may experience more benefits than others.

    NEW: What does "co-morbid" mean?

    A "co-morbid" condition might sound terrifying, but it isn't. "Co-morbid" simply means conditions which occur together, creating and/or reinforcing each other. For example, anxiety and depression are frequently co-morbid, usually because sustained anxiety can cause a person to feel hopeless, so they become depressed. Asperger syndrome and ADHD are co-morbid, which came as a surprise when I was diagnosed with them aged 35, after a lengthy battle, the incompetent gits. There are many, many examples of co-morbid conditions.

    Having a specific condition DOES NOT mean you will definitely experience other, co-morbid conditions. For example, suffering anxiety DOES NOT mean you will definitely experience depression.

    You may be born with co-morbid conditions, as I was with aspergers and ADHD; you may develop them together, for example PTSD and depression following survival of a traumatic incident; or one condition may cause you so many difficulties it leads to others, such as arthritis causing generalised anxiety disorder and depression.

    In cases where one condition dominant and is causing the others (such as arthritis causing anxiety and depression), then treating the dominant problem may resolve the others, or significantly reduce their impact. Arthritis might mean you can barely walk any more, which is a terrifying and fairly traumatic thing to face up to. But taking appropriate medication may restore your mobility and keep the pain at bay, which is likely to have a significant positive effect on your mood. In this instance, treating the anxiety and depression first would not really get you anywhere, as they were caused by the arthritis. If you successfully treat the arthritis, you may not need to treat the anxiety or depression - they wouldn't have much reason to exist any more. (Before anyone argues that I'm simplifying things, I am a bit, but this situation recently happened to me, so... I know what I'm talking about!)

    Think of one of those bubble shooter games: you can blast away all day popping bubbles, but one or two clever shots can clear the whole screen. That's pretty much what will happen when you pwn the dominant issue.

    NEW: Can I be allergic to inositol?

    I've never read any reports of allergic reactions to inositol. However, if you are allergic to many things, or have some kind of immune-related condition, always speak to your doctor or specialist before trying any kind of supplement.
    Can inositol cure anxiety and depression?

    Inositol is not a cure. Inositol may benefit you by reducing some of the symptoms of anxiety, depression and OCD. It's worth bearing in mind that negative, intrusive thoughts are responsible for a great deal of the problems we encounter on a daily basis, particularly in anxiety conditions, where there may not even be an actual threat. Inositol seems to be really good at reducing the frequency and impact of such thoughts. This can create a significant improvement in your mental health.

    Inositol seems to be more effective for some people than for others and different doses are required to treat different types of problem (see below).

    At this stage a medical cure for anxiety and depression is beyond our technology. (See this thread for more information about upcoming and experimental treatments for depression and anxiety. Note: as of 2016, that's a very old thread.)

    Inositol is most useful in combination with self-help and therapies such as counselling, hypnotherapy, exercise, relaxation and so on, so in this one respect it is similar to medication. Consider it something to give you breathing space, which you can use to relax and remember what it feels like to NOT be bombarded by negative thoughts.

    Does inositol really work?

    Yes, I believe that it has consistently helped me during my very worst bouts of anxiety, and the very few clinical studies available show marked benefits with virtually no drawbacks. This is extremely rare and is worth celebrating.

    I lacked the knowledge and experience that I've earned since, so I didn't realise that the improvement came from the reduction in racing and intrusive thoughts. I have been diagnosed with aspergers and severe ADHD, and the inositol seemed to work well against the symptoms of ADHD. (Asperger syndrome is a personality style, not an illness, and it doesn't require medication.)

    I also used self-help techniques such as deep breathing and positive affirmations (such as repeating "today is a good day", "this is just another harmless blip" over and over). There is no single path to recovery from anxiety, so make sure that you don't rely on inositol alone, you will still need to seek therapy and especially practice your self-help techniques.

    How long does inositol take to work?

    The major medical trial which seemed to prove inositol's effectivness states that inositol reaches its full effectiveness within several weeks. However, people reported results very quickly, and panic attacks were decreased in frequency and severity within one week in some people.

    I consistently find that taking a full teaspoon of inositol coincides with a reduction in my negative thoughts, feelings of depression and general anxiety, generally within the same day. I do not know if this is the "placebo effect" (in other words, I don't know if I got better because I expected to, rather than because of anything this inositol did).

    It's worth noting that some medications, such as antidepressants and disease-modifying drugs to treat chronic problems such as arthritis, can take many weeks to show their full beneficial effects. Inositol is not a medicine. It has a natural effect on your body that your body understands how to respond to. This is why inositol may work much more quickly, with fewer side effects.

    Are there any withdrawal effects if I stop taking inositol?

    If you stop taking citalopram (for example) "cold turkey", you are likely to experience some withdrawal symptoms as your brain learns to cope without the medication and purges what remains from your body. You should normally not go "cold turkey" from medications prescribed for your mental health.

    Inositol is a B-vitamin. It is not a drug. It should have no addictive properties. Inositol does not alter anything in your brain or try to make your brain behave differently. There is no evidence that you will experience withdrawal effects if you stop taking it, and it doesn't make sense that there would be. However, if the inositol actually does benefit you while taking it, then you stop taking it, it's possible the benefits might be lost. It's rare to be inositol-deficient (ie your body doesn't get enough of it), but if you are and you stop taking inositol supplements, it stands to reason that you would return to an inositol-deficient state.

    Where can I buy inositol?

    I used to buy mine in powder form from Holland & Barretts. Nowadays people are reporting that Holland & Barretts don't stock it any more, or only sell it combined with choline in pill form. While a small amount of choline may help alleviate depression, higher doses of choline *may* make symptoms of depression feel worse, so depressed people should speak to a pharmacist or doctor BEFORE ordering inositol/choline supplements. Everyone should aim to get hold of pure inositol.

    You can buy pure inositol powder from and other websites. It is expensive, but you may think the price is worth paying, as you are likely to go through tablets very quickly and tablets are not cheap either.

    Inositol is also found in a varied, healthy diet, though not in depression-treating amounts.

    Powder versus Pills

    Which do I want - powder form, or tablet form?

    This depends on your needs. Powder form is the most expensive and the main issue is you won't be able to gauge exact doses (although your dose strength does not have to be exact, remember this is not a medicine). Depending on use, one tub or bag of inositol powder could potentially last for a few weeks to a few months. therefore, powder will probably give you the best return for your money as long as you're happy with not knowing exactly how much you're getting. There should be a rough guide on the back of the back - read the instructions.

    By contrast, tablet tubs are only slightly cheaper and do not last nearly as long, but you know exactly how much you are taking. This would be the route to go down if higher doses of inositol give you the "two bob bits".

    Taking Inositol

    How do I take inositol?

    Tablets are usually around 650mg each in the UK and around 1g (or 100mg) each in the USA. "Mg" stands for milligram and "G" stands for gram. There are a thousand milligrams in one gram, a bit like how there are 1,000 managers in the NHS for every one nurse. The usual supplementary dose is 1-3 tablets per day, taken with food to reduce the risk of it causing nausea or making you need the toilet.

    If you take powder, the usual daily dose is something like 1/4 of a teaspoon three times per day, taken with food. 1/4 of a teaspoon is approximately 1g, or 1000mg. Be sure you do not get teaspoons (the little ones) confused with tablespoons (the big ones)! You can dissolve the powder in water and drink the lot or you can eat the powder and wash it down with water.

    When do I take it?

    If you split your dose up through the day, standard practice would be morning, noon and night, taking it with food. You do not have to split the dose up if you don't want to.

    If you find inositol makes you tired, take it at night before bed.

    If you are suffering from sleeplessness, take it at night, at least an hour before bed.

    What does "take with food" mean?

    You take it with a drink during or just after your meal. This helps the body to absorb the supplement. Obviously you don't mix it in with your mashed potatoes, that would taste like my friend Laura's cooking.

    What happens if I miss a dose?

    It doesn't really matter that much. Just take some more when you remember. Inositol isn't like a medication and there is no apparent risk from doubling the dose, although you might want to look at the list of side effects first.

    Benefits of Inositol

    What can I use inositol for?

    Inositol can be used to treat:
    * Depression
    * Anxiety
    * Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    * Panic attacks

    Inositol is also very effective against:
    * Distressing negative thoughts
    * Sleeplessness
    * Stress

    You may notice that inositol's greatest use is its ability to help you sleep. This provides a tremendous boost to your recovery by improving your mental and emotional resilience. You probably noticed that you feel worse when you are tired. Your mental shields are down and you do not have the strength to resist your negative thoughts and feelings. A tired mind can be an unhealthy mind. Once you start sleeping properly again, you could find your symptoms improve significantly. This is one of the more important steps on the road to recovery.

    What are the actual benefits of taking inositol for anxiety and depression?

    * Noticeably reduced impact of negative thinking: Some things just don't bother you so much, or they don't dominate your thoughts and feelings so easily, meaning you can get on with other things (distraction) which is extremely useful if you're experiencing a "blip", that is a temporary worsening of your symptoms.

    * Improvements to sleep pattern: People who take inositol have experienced improvements to their sleeping patterns. Their quality of sleep improves (more restful, less troubled or stressful dreams), falling to sleep much more easily, staying asleep for longer. Anyone who has suffered even one bad night of anxiety attacks, or woke up at 4am shivering and feeling like they're going to die (and that seems to be all of us), will know what a blessing a full night's sleep can be. A good night's sleep can be so effective it works almost like magic.

    * General improvement of mood and outlook: This follows on to the previous benefits. If you're tired, you are more prone to bad moods, negative thinking and anxiety etc, and I don't know about you but I get into a real temper sometimes if I'm very tired. Dr Claire Weekes says that we become less emotionally and mentally resilient when placed under prolonged stress. Anxiety, fatigue, depression and basically anything unpleasant that goes on for a long time can wear down our resilience. Once we lose this resilience, we start to feel low and upset, and negative events have far more impact on us than they should. Our outlook becomes far healthier if we are alert, well-rested and relaxed, and we are better able to cope with life's events.

    Getting decent rest and being free from constant negative thoughts will help you to regain some of your strength so that if the anxiety does try to come back, you will be more capable of dealing with it. Also, with the negativity backing off a bit, you may find yourself better able to cope with whatever else you need to deal with now or in the immediate future. Finally, your reduced interest in your own problems gives you more freedom to take an interest in the world, which reinforces your recovery and further distracts you from worrying.

    Can I take inositol even if I do not have an inositol deficiency?

    If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, you can take inositol supplements, even if you do not think you have an inositol deficiency. If you are unsure, consult a doctor or pharmacist.

    What CAN'T I use inositol for? (Inositol contraindications)

    You should avoid taking inositol if you suffer from very pronounced mood swings and/or bipolar disorder. At this time, no-one really knows if inositol can actually trigger these mood swings, so you are better off avoiding inositol if you suffer from bipolar. Studies are trying to ascertain whether inositol is effective against schizophrenia; early evidence suggests it does not make any difference, but there is not enough information available at this time.

    How does inositol work?

    The exact mechanism of inositol is still under investigation by medical researchers. Your aim is to take enough inositol to gradually improve your body's stores of inositol and eventually to get it into the brain. You do this by taking the right daily dose. Inositol has a similar beneficial effect to SSRIs but it CAN be safely combined with an SSRI.

    How does inositol compare to placebo?

    In medical trials, inositol significantly outperforms placebo.

    How does inositol compare to medication?

    It even outperformed fluoexetine at reducing panic attacks and can become effective within days. Medical evidence so far seems to conclusively prove that inositol is effective against anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, and criticism of the effectiveness of inositol when used in this role is rare. The side effects tend to be much less severe, meaning that someone who is feeling extremely vulnerable may get a lot of benefit from using inositol without most of the usual pitfalls.

    Inositol and Choline

    As I have mentioned earlier, a lot of people are saying they can only find inositol combined with choline. Health shops often combine the two because inositol complements the effects of choline. When used together, they supposedly improve the functioning of your nerve impulses and also help you to metabolise cholesterol, as well as other beneficial effects. However, high doses of choline have been linked to causing or increasing feelings of depression.

    Choline Side Effects

    Doses from 7.5mg upwards may cause slight reductions in blood pressure, leading to dizzy spells. Much higher doses can result in fishy body odour, although I work with a few people who don't need choline for that!

    This is the big one: it appears that large doses of choline can cause or worsen feelings of depression. I am not sure exactly what dose contributes to depression, and I am somewhat confident that low doses may not have any negative effects, but you should definitely speak to a pharmacist before using choline supplements.

    The Verdict on Inositol combined with Choline

    You should try to find "pure" inositol if you wish to use it as an anti-anxiety supplement. Otherwise, follow a pharmacist's advice.

    Inositol Side Effects

    Medical trials indicate few or no side effects from taking up to 18g of inositol a day. That is a very substantial dose and, in practice, it is more than most people will want or need to take.

    However, if you start taking higher doses you should be aware of the following possibilities:

    * Flatulence
    * Stomach upset/nausea
    * Increased need for the toilet
    * Tiredness
    * Possible increase in mood swings (for bipolar or psychosis sufferers)
    * Possible reduction in testosterone levels (usually in women rather than men)

    Compare those side effects to the effects for SSRI medication, which include temporary worsening of depression/anxiety, a small chance of suicidal feelings, sleeplessness, temporary sexual impotence or other sexual malfunctions, etc - all of which will start to show up long before any of the benefits from taking SSRIs become apparent. I'd take a few toilet-related shenanigans over the SSRI circus.

    Not only are the side effects for inositol less numerous than SSRIs, they are also far less severe.

    However, if you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or a bipolar-spectrum disorder, you should consult a pharmacist before using inositol.

    Can I take inositol instead of a "proper" medication?

    It was recognised during medical trials that inositol is a possible, effective alternative to medication for people suffering from anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.

    While I would NEVER say medication is worthless (because it isn't), and I would NEVER tell people to delay going onto medication if they are suffering badly, I would recommend getting hold of inositol at the first opportunity. If inositol doesn't seem to help too much, then go to your doctor about a formal medication.

    Don't delay this process too long though. If you feel that you need medication, go to your doctor and ask for it.

    Dose Strength

    What is the daily dose of inositol?

    Standard dietary supplement dose is up to 3g per day (in the UK).

    Clinically effective dose for depression and anxiety is 12g per day.

    Clinically effective dose for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is 18g per day.

    These doses are the ones used in medical trials which, after a period of 3 months, showed significant relief of symptoms in most people. Some people showed improvements within one week. I personally noticed an improvement within 3 days. Inositol works for many people in much lower doses than 12-18g. Build your dose up slowly, don't suddenly start at 12g per day.

    It may not be necessary to go as high as 12 or 18 grams per day; medical trials need quick and measurable results to justify their funding, and they may have given participants higher doses of inositol than were strictly necessary in order to obtain these results. What this means is, inositol may be just as effective in much smaller doses. For example, I usually notice benefits when taking 3-4g per day, and I begin to notice an upset stomach after several days on a 6g dose. It seems common for people to experience benefits when taking 2g-6g per day.

    What dose do I (PsychoPoet) take?

    As I have improved via CBT and self-help, I no longer take inositol; when I started with inositol I was also taking 20mg-30mg of citalopram, but I am now on 30mg of mirtazapine and I am not sure if there would be an interaction between the two. While mirtazapine is generally safe with just about anything except alcohol, I don't want to be trailblazing new types of treatment any more since I don't want to put my growing recovery under more pressure. Also, I don't generally need inositol any more.

    I found that large doses of inositol had a noticeable impact against my anxiety, depression and negative thinking patterns. I found myself slightly mentally tired, as opposed to normal where my thoughts raced like rats trapped in a wheel. This gave me a very welcome relief from over-thinking and over-analysing myself, and it allowed my battered mental defences some respite. A large dose for me might have been approximately 6 grams of inositol.

    Note that the problems I just mentioned have been much reduced this year. At the time of writing, I have been undergoing CBT for 3 months and I have been creating and using positive self-help mp3s for at least 6-8 weeks. I am not the same person as when I started this Guide. I strongly recommend people going through similar issues consider starting CBT. If you cannot get CBT through the NHS or the waiting list is too long, contact Anxiety UK (or your country's equivalent).

    I found that if I took 6g for more than 2-3 days I began to suffer an upset stomach and nausea. I have woken up a couple of times this week needing the toilet badly. When I first took inositol I felt tired and dreamy for 2-3 days, during which my duration and quality of sleep were massively improved, and the tiredness/dreaminess wore off before they could become a nuisance.

    When I experience a "blip", I find that it is somehow worth risking the stomach upset! Improvements in my mood and reductions in my negative thinking do tend to coincide with 6g doses of inositol, every single time.

    How long does inositol take to work?

    As previously mentioned, inositol works quite quickly. It may be working fully within three weeks. However a lot of people notice benefits very quickly. In a major study, inositol vastly outperformed fluoexetine at reducing panic attacks within one week of treatment beginning.

    Safety Information

    Will inositol help me to control my mood swings?

    Anecdotal evidence from bipolar and psychosis sufferers who have taken inositol suggests that inositol may actually trigger mood swings, or somehow make them worse. More research is required before anyone can say for sure.

    If you are suffering from bipolar disorder, contact a pharmacist and/or avoid taking inositol until further research has been done.

    Can I take inositol if I am pregnant?

    No. Research is inconclusive, but experts warn pregnant women not to take inositol supplements until more is known.

    Is inositol safe for my children?

    Currently there is no medical evidence to tell us whether inositol can be safely used by children. It is recommended by some that children take no more than 500mg per day (500mg being the dose strength of a single tablet in the USA - in the UK, a single tablet is usually 650mg because we are harder!).

    Is inositol safe in the long term?

    During clinical trials, people took 18g of inositol per day for 3 months with no adverse side effects. There were no unusual readings in blood and liver tests. There are no indications that inositol use is damaging to the human body. I first read about these trials 2 years ago and to date, no warnings about inositol have sprung up - just a few more good news stories.

    What are the risks of inositol overdose?

    At this time it seems that the human body can tolerate very large doses of inositol. Excess inositol may be passed out of the body via the urine, just like most types of vitamins.

    However any side effects you experience may be increased in severity if you take high doses.

    You should start with a low dose and gradually increase over a period of days or weeks until you find the dose that suits you.


    Is inositol addictive?

    No. However if you discontinue a course of inositol before your depression or anxiety have been beaten, and the inositol was helping, you may find your symptoms start to return.

    Does inositol cause withdrawal or discontinuation symptoms?


    Is it possible my body could be short of inositol (inositol deficiency)?

    Highly unlikely. In clinical trials, they actually had to induce inositol deficiency in the participants to study its effects. Inositol deficiency is apparently quite rare. However, I am not a doctor, so get yourself checked out if you wish to. It is possible that some people suffer from anxiety symptoms because of inositol deficiency but I am yet to hear from anyone who is.

    Does inositol really work or is it just the placebo effect?

    Since inositol vastly outperforms placebo in medical trials, and according to health supplement websites inositol is increasingly used to fight depression and anxiety, there is documented evidence that inositol does work.

    If I find relief by taking large doses of inositol, then I stop taking the inositol, I do notice the anxiety gets worse. There is definitely a link between my doses of inositol and my anxiety. It has happened too many times to be a coincidence.

    Why doesn't my doctor prescribe inositol instead of an SSRI?

    Because the drug companies can't make money out of inositol, so we get stuck with anti-depressant drugs instead. This is the same reason why more research hasn't been done into inositol by medical companies. Also, as far as I know, you can't "prescribe" vitamin supplements. Some people are skeptical that inositol really works against anxiety. Evidence and personal experience shows that it does help, but then again it might not work for everyone.

    A final and probably more important reason: if you are debilitated by stress, anxiety or depression, you may in some cases require medical treatment. Inositol should probably only be considered as a first-line treatment if you have either failed to improve by using medications, or your symptoms are not severe.

    Should I try inositol if my anti-depressants don't work?

    Research indicates that inositol may not benefit people who get no benefit from anti-depressant medication. Nobody is sure why at this moment. However anything is worth a try, so have a go.

    Remember that a large number of people who claim anti-depressants don't work for them actually gave up before their medication had any chance of working properly, so if you belong to this group of people, you may find inositol does work for you. A major factor in "treatment-resistant" depression is people not taking their doses properly or stopping the medication altogether, either because they start to feel better or because they cannot tolerate the side effects.

    As an interesting aside, medical treatments may become more aggressive for treatment-resistant depression: for example, combinations of medications may be used, and the UK government has recently started throwing money into CBT, since CBT typically has good cure and relapse prevention rates (both of which increase exponentially when CBT is combined with Mindfulness and/or interpersonal skills).

    What if inositol doesn't work for me?

    There are plenty of other things for you to try.

    Can I combine inositol with Kalms?

    Kalms contain valerian, which is used for relief of mild stress and anxiety. There is nothing to suggest that valerian and inositol cannot be mixed but if you want to try it you might want to check with a pharmacist first (you could phone your local Boots and speak to the pharmacist over the phone). Kalms should not be used for long-term treatment of stress or anxiety, and Kalms should not be seen as an alternative to medication if your symptoms are long-lasting or severe.

    Inositol, on the other hand, may be used as a substitute for antidepressants and anxiolytics if you do not want to try taking medication.

    Why do you claim to know so much about inositol?

    Because I've used it during the worst phases of my illness (I took regular doses for several weeks at a time) and it has benefitted me every single time.

    I've extensively researched the uses, benefits and drawbacks of inositol, including reading medical reports available online - try reading one of those and you'll know how much fun that wasn't.

    In the early days, if I stopped taking inositol, I tended to find myself going into a "blip", although I cannot conclusively prove that this has anything to do with reducing my inositol intake.

    Currently I am taking inositol in powder form, since I am no longer taking SSRI medication.

    Supporting the Research Initiative

    Please mention this thread whenever anyone needs information about inositol. It saves NMP getting one new inositol thread per day.

    Anxiety UK

    Check this thread. Please leave any questions or comments about Anxiety UK in that thread, not this one!
    Last edited by NoPoet; 09-03-16 at 23:57.
    Citalopram Survival Guide
    Inositol Survival Guide

    What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I drew the line between hope and despair, and the line will hold.

    "Forth now, and fear no darkness!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Thanks PsychoPoet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Thanks PsychoPoet! Off I go to buy some this weekend

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Thanks for the information ....I tried my nearest Holland and Barrett today but couldnt find it. The sales assistand directed me to Lecithin!! this the same thing or do I need to try another branch of Holland and Barrett?

    Thanks....Lex xx
    Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death.
    (Harold Wilson)

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
    (Herm Albright)

  5. #5

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Thanks Pyschopoet. You've obviously done your homework - very interesting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Thanks everyone - the PsychoPoet Research Initiative aims to succeed where those wallies in the health service fall down, and I plan on a few more articles on differemt subjects.

    I notice that people are still asking about inositol in other threads... there's nothing like using the "search" facility or looking at other actice topics in the forum, is there?
    Citalopram Survival Guide
    Inositol Survival Guide

    What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I drew the line between hope and despair, and the line will hold.

    "Forth now, and fear no darkness!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Well done Poet another excellent thread ..I was reading something the other day by a specialist about Depression ,and he said "being anxious causes depression and the depression causes the serotonin levels to deplete "and not the other way around .Many people think low levels of serotonin cause depression .Perhaps with inositol the anxiety and depression deplete the body in the same way .? Stress causes and acts as a trigger for all of these conditions ,and we all know how bad the effect s of high stress on the body ..Especially how it affects our immune system s .by affecting the levels of essential vitamins needed to fight against illnesess ..It would be interesting to find out for sure about Inositol .Im sure you will do all you can to find out if anyone knows about this for sure ..Well done again ..Luv Sue x
    Last edited by suzy-sue; 14-11-09 at 01:45.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    Yeah there are going to be a few threads coming from the Research Initiative. The problem so far is that data is ripped up and scattered all over the net. There is no single source of information which contains all the facts, and those that come close are written by professionals or journalists who have never had to fight depression etc themselves. The Research Initiative is written by and for sufferers.

    I have asked for the Citalopram Survival Guide to finally be stickied so hopefully anyone who comes to this site will be able to use it. I think by now I've earned the right to ask for my stuff to be stickied!
    Citalopram Survival Guide
    Inositol Survival Guide

    What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I drew the line between hope and despair, and the line will hold.

    "Forth now, and fear no darkness!"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative

    I went to Holland & Barrett this morning and they didn't have it, so will either go and order on the net or go to the larger store next weekend!

    The sales assistant recommended mega B-50 complex which contains inositol, but after reading all the info from PsychoPoet I think I'll pass and just take inositol.

    Thanks PsychoPoet once again as I feel I've learnt a lot from you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: The Inositol Guide: PsychoPoet Research Initiative


    My advice is to buy vitamin B-complex and inositol seperately, as you may need to take a fairly high dose of inositol and you don't want to hammer your body with excessive B-complex.

    I've updated the first post with more information.
    Last edited by NoPoet; 16-11-09 at 11:57.
    Citalopram Survival Guide
    Inositol Survival Guide

    What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I drew the line between hope and despair, and the line will hold.

    "Forth now, and fear no darkness!"

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