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Thread: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

  1. #21

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    hey everyone,

    i found this thread from googling withdrawel symptoms from dulexetine, ive been on it for about a year, i was previously on citalopram, but it turned out that i was allergic to it so had to switch quickly. Ive taken a year out of my medical degree and am now back into it all.
    I was on 60mg but for the past 5 days have switched to 50mg, i think that im going to stay at this level until i feel fine, and then come down another 10mg until im finally off them!!. At the moment though ive been worried because im really itchy?!?! has anyone else had that?? im tired too, but also had insomnia for a bit but i took a sleeping tablet and since then the tiredness has started. I think ive also become a bit hypomanic, and my tolerance for people that annoy me is about 1%!!! Also im getting some really strange abdo pain but is it coming down or my IBS??? oh dear!!

  2. #22

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    hi. just found this forum. started to come off this drug and i feel lousey. was on 60mg then down to 40mg for week then down to 20mg for last 5 days. ive been itchy but didnt connect this to the withdrawel symptoms. just been to doc and hes put me back up to 40mgs for another week then back down to 20mg. wish id never been put on it! hate feeling like this

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    I started taking cymbalta last week and only lasted 3 days on it. I took my last one 3 days ago and i still feel awful. I wish i had read all the horror stories about it first. I still cant eat, im trembling, dizzy, not sleeping, stomach cramps, ive got pins and needles down my left side and i feel more anxious than i ever have done. My husband has had to take time off work to care for me and look after the children. I took this drug hoping it would help and it has made me worse than ever. This drug should be banned, it has ruined peoples lives.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time coming off this Sarah Jayne.

  5. #25

    Talking Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard


    I have been on so many meds for the last 10 yrs I feel like I should open up my own pharmacy! I have finally had enough and want to feel like a normal functioning human being again (I'm so glad I'm not the only one with libido problems ) and my husband would quite like his wife back too! I'm trying to come off duloxetine, so far not too bad. I was on 90mg and after 3 months am only just down to 30mg. By my therapists reckoning I should have been off them several weeks ago, yeah right, like thats going to happen. Only today have I had some dizzy spells after 2 days on the 30mg. Reading through all of your posts has encouraged me to continue and I am even more determined to succeed. Good luck to everyone who is still trying to battle with these meds, its great to know that you are not on your own.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hi Madmummy I know that you are keen to come off duloxetine. Are you feeling better now? I only lasted a month on duloxetine as I had severe side effects sickness, nausea and vertigo. Has your doctor /therapist given you a plan to help with the withdrawals? You should be tapering them off very slowly. I experienced inorgasma whilst taking duloxetine much to my dismay. My sexual problems disappeared when I came off duloxetine. I have not experienced sexual problems whilst taking mirtazapine which I am on now. I wish you well with your withdrawal. Post here for continued help and support.

  7. #27

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard


    Thanks for your reply.

    I was told to drop my dose every two weeks, 90mg, 60mg, 30mg then stop. Fortunatley I have been playing this game for far too long to think it was this easy.

    I hope my libido does return, I think I have had `relations' with my husband twice in 10yrs ! I'm only 36!

  8. #28

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hi everyone my girlfriend is on duloxetine and has been on it for about a month.
    Since taking it she has had pins and needles in her face and left hand side.
    She has been in hospital for a brain scan + an scan of her back.
    Her back is the reason she was put on duloxetine, as she was previously on gabapentin for nerve pain.
    She has lost the use of both her arms and boith legs twice now, each time lasts about twenty mins.
    Has anyone else had these effects or anything like it.
    She is ringing her doc on monday for advice on how to come off of it.
    Incidently Duloxetine never helped with her pain.
    She has also hot and sweaty moments, with a sorta twitch in her right arm.
    FFS they dont tell you about the side effects when this drug in prescribed....
    I will be back to give updates on her proggress, and let you know if these horrible things are linked to the med ok.

  9. #29

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    hi u will love this ,i work as psychiatric nurse on an intensive care unit,i am really bubbly and sounds like there is twenty people in the room when there is only me.i have an 18 year old son who is wonderful and gorgeous,,a fantastic boyfriend whom i have been seeing for 3 years.i became ill 10 years ago with over active thyroid ,couldnt belive it ,just in the process of trying to get into police at time so i was mortified.anyway cut a long story short i was put on anti depresants,i was more upset about that than actually being depressed,ridiculous,i know doing my job for 13 years,they said my thyroid results were so high they had to bring them down that quickly that that prob caused the depression as i had no problem at the time and was really fit,i thought. well... to the point i am constantly trying to come off the tablets well i would say every few years and end up to the point nobody can cope with me upset and crying all the time as i am one of these people who are there for everyone and dont like to moan if im upset. i eventually came to the conclusion that ,stuff it if i feel fine i may as well stay on them,like if you have an infection u take anti biotics.The last few years we have been trying for a baby as my feller doesnt have any and i am 39 just so i need to be trying harder if you get my drift,went to doctors and u cannot take duloxetine if u are trying for a baby in case u get pregnant,so....hope im not boring u,i have weaned myself off now by dosage over the past 3 month form 60 to 20mgs,i havnt taken any now for a week and today has been the worst day of my life,i cant even type now for crying. I woke up and felt fine did all the house work then i just burst into tears and felt like ripping my head clean off ,i went up stairs to my partner who had been on nights and i could not stop crying ,i said i wanted to die and if i thought i could disapear and not upset anyone i would,by this point i jumped into my car barefoot in my pjs and drove for an hour to find a secluded spot to try and calm down,i had 6 sleepers in my car ,in the glove compartment which i use when really need them as i work shifts.It was unreal as i ended up at some traffic lights at the side of a funeral everyone was walking in crying and i thought how can i do this to everyone i love,so....i ended up in the car sat in a graveyard took the tablets and drove home before they took effect,went to sleep,i was well aware i would wake up that is not why i took them,just needed to have a good sleep and they dont work for me at the best of times.I am here now talking to u now,i just wish this feeling would go away or someone could tell me a date when i will be normal.I never talk to anyone about myself and i hope u dont mind me venting my feelings as i couldnt belive it when i seen your post,first time i have ever done anything like this,spoke to a stranger regarding my problem.I hope to god you feel better really soon i really mean that. Night xx love demi x

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Dear Demi (((hugs)) to you. I accept that your experiences from withdrawing from duloxetine are hellish at the moment. You are a psychiatric nurse so it must be very difficult going into work when you feel like this if you are able to go into work at all. The weepiness and low mood could be withdrawals or it might be the original illness returning. Let your own GP decide. Please put trying for a baby on the back burner for a while. Your thyroid levels need to be sorted out and you need to be on more of an even keel before trying for a baby. Please don't be swayed by emotions. I have been on duloxetine and it didn't suit me. I became pregnant at thirty six via IVF first pregnancy. I was taking dothiepin which I came off abruptly but I was on a maintenance dose for most of the pregnancy but not the first twelve weeks when the foetus was developing. All I can say is to get yourself really well first lose weight if necessary and get your emotional and physical health sorted out. It will be harder to become pregnant at thirty nine but not impossible and you might need some help. Try to get your medication sorted out first. I know that it is hard but I would defer trying for a baby at the moment. Please keep posting as you'll need support if you are withdrawing from duloxetine. Take care EJ.

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